"Where the hell did you even find that file? That how you found out huh?!" Okay now I was really confused and scared of what she was going to do.

She looked really unstable, "Ayla look, I didn't take that file nor did I tell your friends, or anyone for that matter, about you. I told you I wouldn't and I kept my word."

"But Aisha swore and you, you were the only other person who knew," she looked desperate, on the verge of more tears.

Her eyes had now returned to their usual hazel colour and there were no more flames in sight. Tears streamed down her face again as she sat down on my bed.

I knew who did this. I had to tell her the truth, she needed to know. I just hope she doesn't go bloody crazy again.

Beatrix. I told her about how we broke into Ms Dowling's office, how she found the file, showed it to me and took it. She was the one who outed her to the people closest to her and for some reason that infuriated me.

"So um that's why you never came to dinner." Really? That's the only thing she says to finding out who exposed her secret.

"Uh yeah." She looked at me as I came to sit beside her. We sat in silence for a minute or so as more tears fell down.

{Ayla's POV}

After a minute of quite comfortable silence, I looked at Riven as it all dawned on me, "They hate me."

"No they don't, they're your friends I'm sure they care," he sounded so sure of it.

"They do. Maybe not Aisha or Stella but Flora's face. I've never seen her that angry or upset with anyone. I lied to them about something so big, how could they not." My voice cracked.

I hated being vulnerable in front of people, that's why I got into so many arguments with my mum. I focused on the anger, but I couldn't help it this time.

Riven wiped the tear falling down my face. The sudden touch shocked me and I flinched slightly.

"Sorry." He didn't need to be, "No it's fine, nice." I mumbled the last part.

I had looked away from him but then he spoke, "You can stay here if you don't feel like facing them all right now, Sky is gone tonight anyway."

This entire time I've been here tonight, not once has he lost his temper or made a stupid comment. He was being genuinely nice, and that was new. I liked this side of him.

"No that's too much trou-" but he cut me off saying it was fine, so I gave in and nodded.

I realised I was still In my Jean's and hoodie. I could sleep in the hoodie but the Jean's, yeah that's not happening.

"Here's a pair of shorts to sleep in, instead of your jeans," read my mind quite literally.

"Thanks, but could you turn around maybe." He just looked at me and smirked, "I won't look, unless you want me too that is."

And there it was, the stupid comment, "Dumbass," he just chuckled before turning around.

When he turned back around, he told me to take his bed and he would sleep in Sky's. I nodded before sitting back down on his bed.

"Ayla?" I looked at him, "Are you alright now?"

I was feeling calmer, that pit in my stomach was still definitely there telling me my friends hated me but overall, Riven somehow helped.

I'm not telling him that though, "That's sweet you care Riv." I gave him a sweet smile.

"Yeah don't get your hope's up, I just don't feel like having you scream at me again, unless.." and to that I threw a pillow at him.

Honestly why did I agree to staying here with this dirty-minded arsehole.
Then he took off his shirt and all thoughts left my brain.

I think I said this before but, carved by the gods. I quickly looked away  before he realised I was staring at him.

Okay no you're not going to drool over this guy. Just because he was nice this one time doesn't mean that's how it's gonna stay.

He lay down on the bed and I did the same.


I let could not sleep at all. I kept getting flashbacks to that night at the warehouse. Everything today just got too overwhelming and these memories were not easy ones.

I kept tossing and turning. Then I heard movements in the room.

"Ayla what's wrong?" Riven was now crouched bedside my bed having turned on the lights, I could see confusion all over his face.

"I heard you crying and talking in your sleep," I just looked at him and shook my head letting him know I didn't want to talk about it.

"That's fine don't worry," He turned the light off again and sat on a chair next to the bed.

"What are you doing?" he just looked at me, "Making sure you know I'm right here and that you don't have another bad dream."

I nodded and with that I finally fell into a dreamless sleep.

Why was Riven being so nice?

kinda suss
But thankyou again for reading this.
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