Chapter 2

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"Guys! I figured it out." Spencer spoke a bit loud, everyone was tired, they had been doing the profile all night, and finally narrowed it down to 3 suspects. "Look! Alright so if you look back at Carl's criminal history, you can clearly see that he was a severely troubled child. I've been talking to Garcia and apparently his mom had died when he was 7, in a car accident, the accident caused a large puncture in her neck, destroying her vocal cords so bad the doctors had to remove them, so she couldn't talk obviously since they weren't there-" He got stopped by Mat.

"You're rambling, whats the point?" He looked over to Spencer.

"Right yea the point." Spencer chuckled a bit. "Anyway, Carl was in the car with her when that happened, and he was there in the hospital for her, he had to take complete care of her, since his dad was abusing him and almost never home. So I believe that's the reason he's taking their vocal cords!"

"That's definitely him, call Garcia and get an address." Hotch nodded starting for the cars along with the others.

Morgan followed close behind calling Garcia.

"Hello my prince, what do you need?" Penelope spoke over the phone.

"Baby girl I need Carl Adams' address." Morgan spoke fast.

Garcia pulled up his picture and his information. "In your GPS'S now."

They hung up and were on their way to Carl's house. Once they arrived, siren blaring, they ran to the door.

"Carl this is the FBI, open the door!" Hotch yelled, his team behind him with their guns in hand. There was no answer at the door, which led Derek to forcefully kick it down. The team started to search the house.

"Clear!" Morgan yelled from the upstairs.

"Guys down in the basement!" Reid shouted slightly before going down the stairs. "Carl put the knife down." He pointed his gun at him.

"Help me, help!" The guy screamed as Carl held the knife to his neck.

"He deserves what he's getting! He had it coming!" Carl shouted.

"No Carl, he doesn't. Listen I know what happened to your mom, I know you had to take care of her..and I know what your father was doing to you, and I'm deeply sorry you had to go through that, but I need you to understand that hurting people isn't going to change your past." Reid spoke calmly, keeping his gun pointed at him, by now the entire team was surrounding Carl with their guns.

Carl looked to Spencer and shook his head. "You don't get it, you don't understand!"

"Carl I know your father was the one who crashed the car." Reid nodded. Hotch looked over to Reid for a moment, he never said that.

"It was his fault!" Carl shouted once again, putting the knife closer to the guys neck.

"Carl, Carl I know but doing this isn't going to change that, now just slowly put the knife down." Reid kept a sharp eye on him.

Carl was shaking his head, he let the guy go before looking up at Spencer. "I said, you don't understand!" He started running towards him.

Three shots were fired, somehow all hitting his leg, which sent Carl down to the floor.

"We need a medic!" Hotch had ran over and grabbed the knife while Morgan was putting the cuffs on Carl.

Reid went over to the guy and was helping him out of the building. "You're going to be alright, it's okay."

The team had finished up at the scene, and had headed back to the station, starting to pack their things.

"That poor guy, I mean what he did was awful, but still." Emily was talking while packing.

"It's likely that he has always been like this. Though I believe the abuse and the accident just brought more out." Reid spoke with a nod before closing his bag.

"We still never even found his trigger, that started the killings." Luke looked up at everyone.

"I really don't think he needed one, he's probably always had these urges, even an illness could have been it." Reid looked over at him.

"I don't know, but I hope we never see anything like that again." Rossi smiled. "Now let's go."

The team all got onto the jet, falling asleep and finally heading home.

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