chapter 5

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Spencer Reid didn't know what to make of the situation. Here he was, 43 1/2 years old, leading his 3 1/2 year old daughter out of the prison she had grown up in. Her hand was in his as he walked with her in his arms, Ada gripping the crochet bird Cat had made for her in her other hand. The fact that Cat had cared enough to learn how to crochet for her daughter to give her stuffed animals was the least surprising part of the day, yet it struck him as the oddest. He had allowed Cat to hug him on more time, making sure to look as uncomfortable as possible on camera while whispering comfort in her ear. He hated the fact that he had to leave her behind, and take Ada away from her, but they agreed she needed a life outside of the prison. Ada had cried a little bit as her mom said goodbye, which was understandable. Cat had run out of time, and the guards led her out of the room. She kept a smile on her face for her daughter, but Spencer knew she broke down the second the door closed. He sent Jj and Emily in to look after Ada, and went to go talk to Cat one last time.

She was perched on the bed in her cell, and he could see the extension added for her daughter. There was a lightness to the room; it was touched by a child. There were drawings in a pile on the table in the corner, and a few extra stuffed animals that he made a mental note to grab. The guards let him, and he gestured for them to leave. He noted all of the cameras when they entered, and had made sure to stop by the camera room to see where they shot.

He wanted this conversation off any record. She looked up as he entered, so different from the Cat he first knew. But that hunger, that fire still lingered in her eyes, even as they were swollen from crying. He was surprised she let everyone see her this vulnerable, this raw. She was leaning up against the wall now, legs crossed. Even in this light she was beautiful. Lethaly so. The wrong person would get killed in the process. He sat next to her, bed creaking as his legs folded. For a moment they just sat there. Content with the silence that spoke more words then any speech. Cat broke the silence with a sigh. Not her bored, please leave sigh, but a what am I going to do now sigh. There was a difference, he had learned.

"Happy anniversary Spencie."

"Happy anniversary Cat."

"8 years, huh. Can we go ice skating this time?"

Her voice broke on sob as she turned her head to look at him.

"No, we can't go ice skating.", he said softly, trying not to cry.

"Will you teach her how to skate circles around you?"

"With my minimal athletic ability, I think she'll tak after her mama in that sense."

She smiled, but he could see the raw, unfiltered emotion through it.



"Is what you said still true?"

He knew instantly what she meant, and had no reservations about his response.

"Yes. You still occupy my brain, and my every thought and you always will. Because I will not let that part of me die. Ever, Cat. Do you hear me? You're still in my head 3 years later. And I don't mind at all."

He had grabbed her head so it was facing his. There they sat. Staring into eachother's eyes, not willing to break it because they were both so fucking stubborn. They broke it. At the same time, as to leave with one final tie. Lips pressed together, one final promise that only they understood. And there was no exchange of words as their lips left each other and Spencer Reid walked out of Cat Adams' cell.

Now, he walked out through the parking lot, not daring to look back at the prison, not trusting himself not to go running back and breaking Cat out. He looked to his left, over his daughter's head and saw his best friend walking beside him, with such worry in her eyes. He looked to her left and saw his boss and one of his closest friends walking alongside her, talking softly. Their arms were around one another, and he found himself smiling as he looked at the girl in his arms who was smiling at the world around her.

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