chapter 3

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Reid had seen a lot of things in his life. But one thing he thought he would never see was a mini Cat Adams staring at him. He could see how she was her daughter, from her mannerisms, to the overall face shape. But he saw himself in her. When he finally acknowledged the fact that that night 3 1/2 years ago did have some consequences, all he wanted to do was sit and cry. Which he did. 

But as Reid played chess with his daughter, he found himself hoping that he could keep her. With his job, and it's demands, it would be hard. 

No doubt there. 

But the pain in Cat's eyes as she acknowledged her daughter's fate made him reconsider. There was always foster care, but Spencer figured that it would be better to keep a close eye on Ada. And there was no closer eye than raising her. He knew Jj was watching for behavioral tells, and he was too. With the mix of Cat's psychopathic tendencies, and his mother's schizophrenia, Ada's mental health was a variable in it's own. Add the absence of her father, and being raised in a prison, it was just a whole mess. 

So Spencer Reid made up his mind right then and there. He would be a father. Even though the circumstances were different, he was going to do everything he could to make sure his little girl grew up to be the best she could be. Eventually the drama of where she came from would pass over; Cat had told him the name of a nurse and guard perfectly framed for the supposed artificial pregnancy. Her plan was this: when he was in the hospital, one of the nurses drugged him, seduced him, and collected his semen. This was then smuggled into the prison by a guard who inseminated Cat. The evidence had been planted, and Spencer himself had gone to check after he left Jj with Ada. 

Everything was set. They would frame the nurse(who already had a rape allegation) and the gurad(who also had a rape allegation) and then he could raise their child. She was everything he had wanted in a child. After Maeve died, a spark of hope for kids had gone out. He hadn't realized how much Cat had ignited it again. A genius baby that could keep up with him, but also serve as a reminder of something he could not have: Cat. Even though he hadn't seen her in over 3 years, he felt himself hoping she would kidnap another person, as an excuse to see him again. Spencer hated to admit it, but no one could ever make him feel how Cat did that brief moment all those years ago.

It was after Max had been escorted out, and he asked Emily and Luke for 20 minutes alone with her. He told them he just wanted to sort some stuff out, before she was taken away. They reluctantly allowed it, which he thought was a bit odd. The first 2 minutes were spent doing a sweep for listening devices. None were found. Then he gave her a tour of his bedroom. The tour started and ended in the closet. The section of his apartment the furthest from the door. Cat had no clue what he was doing until he had her pressed up against the wall, and was unbuttoning his shirt as she kissed him back. She paused briefly before looking down at the bulge in his pants.

"Really, Spencie?"

"Shut up."

"Make me."

So he did. Tongue all over, lips locked so neither of them could make a sound unless it was into the other's mouth. His mouth was on hers, and he was stripping her sweater off. She kicked off her boots as he propped up the 15 minute timer they had left. She smiled coyly back at him as he pulled off his pants and boxers, looking at him up and down, eyes gleaming with approval. He would never forget the feeling of her eyes roaming, ever. There was something different about Cat; she was electric. She followed suit and stripped completely. No time for teasers, as they were up against the clock now. There was no going back since they were this far in. He slid into her and her back arched up against his hand. They didn't dare go against the wall, and settled for the floor. He slid his tie into her mouth, and one into his. 

Before hers was all the way in, she whispered into his ear, "Make it quick and good Spencie.", before putting the tie beneath her teeth and moaning into it. 

One of her hands was in his, clasped tightly, and the other was gripping her discarded sweater tightly. His other hand was planted firmly beside her head, steadying himself as he moved up and down so forcefully, to make everyone count. His eyes were locked in hers, checking for any signs of discomfort but there was only pleasure and a challenge. There was no time to think about contraceptives, and Reid's brain wasn't exactly functioning. All he knew is that he was fucking Cat Adams and if felt so damn good. The seconds counting down felt like a race and he felt the exact moment she climaxed, his shortly after. 

He started to slow down, but Cat ripped the ties out of their mouths and kissed him hard, flipping him over on his back. She started to slowly stand up, pulling Reid with her, until they were both standing, Reid still inside her. She released his face and he pulled out. The two of them stood there facing each other, naked and dripping on the floor. Cat took a shaky breath, kissed Reid one last time, and walked to his bathroom. Her beautiful legs were pressed closed as she walked, trying to stop the flow of liquid from running everywhere. 

They both knew they could go longer, but there was no time. He checked the timer. 

4 minutes left. 

He ran a hand through his hair, and set her clothes on his bed. She walked out of the bathroom, with toilet paper between her legs to hide evidence, and gestured down to Reid. He nodded and ran to his bathroom where he promptly dumped a cup of cold water down on his dick. Reid grabbed a jock cup, exited the bathroom. 

Cat was fully dressed, and fixing her hair and lipstick. He quickly pulled on his clothes. They walked out, looking very put together and definitely not like they hooked up in the last 10 minutes.

"I gotta say. I'm impressed Spencie. Didn't know you had it in you."

Reid smiled back at her and pressed one final kiss to her before walking to the main room. She opened the door, and looked so pissed off that he almost believed the last 15 minutes were a dream. SWAT took Cat away, and he took great pride in that she was having trouble walking. Luke stared at him, waiting for answers.

"I basically told her that I'm not going to let her obsession with me stop my love life from progressing. She's a serial killer, and I'm just the FBI agent that put her away."

"Okay then. I'm glad you said what you needed to." Both Luke and Emily looked very satisfied with his answer, and they walked out of his apartment building, Reid slightly limping. Emily looks confused, and Reid says,"Roller skating. Not my thing." She laughed, and he smiled slightly.

Cat is waiting for him in the transport van and spends the ride by his side, crying as she's taken away. Spencer wanted to cry, but couldn't bring himself too. Max was waiting for him at Quantico, and he pretends to enjoy her story about how she set up Cat. That is exactly why Cat suggested she check for bugs. Reid said all the things Max wanted to hear, and kissed her on the way out. But there was no passion, no spice in her kiss. 

That's when he realized that Cat Adams had (temporarily) captured his heart. 

And he didn't mind at all.

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