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Cho Cho:
Hello Sunbae! Exams start tomorrow, so I just wanted
to reach out and wish you luck! Don't overwork
yourself too much! Have a good day!

"She's acting like nothing happened." Jiwon said as he tossed his phone to the side, picking up his e-cig and going over to his window.

"Maybe he forgot about it." Cho mumbled to Hee. She was once again being supervised, seeing as her breakdown got so severe she had to be physically restrained. Hee sighed as she hugged her friend.

"Why would you get yourself into something like this? You already know how you are."

"Finally done." Cho looked dead tired, her hood up as she walked out of the classroom, finally done with her exams. She had on sweats, Jiwon's large hoodie, and headphones around her neck.

"All right, come on." Hee said as she grabbed Cho's hand, Dong-Gyun grabbing her other one. "It's time for the department meeting."

They found seats and the two made sure she was caged in, though they also made sure she felt comfortable like that.

"Hello Sunbae!"

"Hey everyone. Did you do well on your exams?" Not only did they stop seeing each other because of Cho's breakdown, Jiwon hasn't called her up after she started to remind him of his past. Cho zoned out as they started talking, Hee occasionally tapping her thigh when she noticed her hands shaking.

"ALL RIGHT FROSHIES AND SOPHOMORES! LISTEN UP!" Kang-Hun yelled, Cho jumped and Dong-Gyun quickly hugged her. "We gotta start moving things now, so follow me."

"I'm fine." Cho said as she shrugged him off, walking ahead of them.

"Hey, Nam Dong-Gyun. Carry this down sta-"

"I've got it." Cho said as she took the box from her friend, Dong-Gyun sighing in relief as she carried it easily away from him.

"That looks heavy." Jiwon said as he walked past Cho, the woman taking a deep breath as she continued walking. He looked at her and sighed, going back to help the others.

"Take this too, since you're so strong." Cho grunted when Kang-Hun added another thing on top of the box, still walking flawlessly as people- guys -stared at her in shock.

"Things almost as tall as me." Cho said as she set a stack of stools down, standing and turning to walk off before coming face to face with Jiwon. Their faces set and they walked the opposite way, not wanting to face each other just yet.


"I've got their order." Cho said to Dong-Gyun as she took the paper from him.

"Ah! Cho-Byeol! Come join us!" Cho kicked the ground as her brow twitched, smiling at the professor as she ignored Jiwon's presence.

"Oh come on, professor. We've already tried to get me drunk." Cho said as a few students pushed her into a seat, which was next to Jiwon. "I thought you would've given up."

"Well now we're going to see Jiwon drunk! So drink with us!" The professor insisted, Cho sighing before grabbing a bottle. "All right!"

"She could drink for days and not feel a thing." Hee sighed as she woke Dong-Gyun from his drunken state.

"I'm going out for a smoke." Jiwon said when the professor left, Cho staring after him before following him.

"Are you a lightweight or what?" Cho sighed when she found him sitting on the ground away from the crowd, grabbing his arm and pulling him up. "Let's go back in, I'll get you some water or something."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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