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"Gooood morning, Sunbae!" Cho greeted the next morning as Jiwon tiredly made his way into the kitchen, dressed in her running clothes as it was obvious she had just gotten back from her daily run. "Your clothes are folded on the couch and breakfast is done!"

Jiwon was barely paying attention to what she had said, his eyes traveling over the curves his hands had been caressing the night before, taking in the light shine she had from the drying sweat and the absence of a jacket as she was left in her sports bra.

"Oh, and you were a little too rough last night. I almost couldn't get out of bed." Cho giggled innocently as she placed a cup of coffee down next to Jiwon's food, stretching and yawning before her nose wrinkled. "If you happen to leave before I finish showering, just slam the door so I know. The neighbors won't mind."

And with that she walked off.

"Damn." Jiwon swore as he felt the heat radiating from his face.

"How was it?"

"I very much enjoyed it, yes I did yes I did." Cho stuck her tongue out and the two friends laughed as they came upon the group with Jiwon, Cho smiling at him when he looked over at her as they were passing by. "Ten out of ten would recommend. Good morning Sunbaes."

"Ah, good morning Cho-Byeol. I see Jiwon got you home safely."

"Yes he did, and for that I am very thankful." Cho said as she grinned brightly, Hee shrugging when Jiwon shot a questioning look at her. "I hope my leaving didn't cause any inconvenience for the rest of your night."

"It was nothing at all. Hee-Young almost fought though." Cho froze at that, slowly turning to face her sheepish friend with a tight smile.

"Is that so? Well, we should get going. Have a great day!"

"You too!" They waved at each other and Cho hit Hee on the back of the head when they were far enough, starting to scold her as the group laughed a little at that. "For someone so nice she could be so harsh."

"Yeah..." Jiwon muttered as he continued to stare at her, returning to the conversation when the two disappeared around a corner.


"Waaaaah! ¡Lo siento! ¡Por favor, suelta mi oreja!" Cho whined as her work friend Chanwoo pulled on her ear while conplaining about not hearing her have sex too.

"No because you should've invited me!" He said, Cho calling for Hee and Dong-Gyun to help her as they laughed in the corner.

"Stop goofing off! Hee, Dong-Gyun! Help me with the fridge! Cho, Chanwoo! Run the counter!" Their boss ordered, Chanwoo letting her go as they moved to their stations.

"You didn't have to pull my ear like that!" Cho said as a group entered the café, the two not noticing as they argued.

"You shouldn't have left me out of it! Or you could've hung up! Who was it?"

"None of your business. None of your business!" Cho screamed the last sentence when Chanwoo made a pinching motion, the two of them quickly facing forward when they heard laughter. "Ah, hello Sunbaes! What can I get for you?"

"Chanwoo! Come back here!" Their boss shouted, Chanwoo huffing before heading towards the back.

"I'm paying, what do you guys want?" They started saying their orders, Cho noting them all down without getting one wrong before taking Jiwon's card and swiping it.

"Ah, hold on. HEE!" Cho shouted towards the back, Hee poking her head out before stepping towards the counter fully. "Where's the buzzer?"

"You do their order, I'll get the buzzer." Hee sighed, quickly finding the buzzer as Cho made all of their drinks in record time.

"Oh, I messed up on this one." Cho said sadly as she poured it out and re-did it, placing it on the tray as Jiwon came to retrieve it. He came back, though, with the excuse of wanting a different drink. He watched Cho's every move, the woman turning and handing him his drink with a bright smile. "There you go! Have a nice day, Sunbae!"

"Ah, your shirt." Jiwon said, Cho's brows furrowing as she waved him off.

"It's fine, I'll get another one."

"Nonsense, I'll return it later." Jiwon said, Cho shrugging as she took the buzzer away.

"Then I'll see you when you return it, I guess."

"Don't say anything!" Cho shouted as she walked into the café, Chanwoo shutting his mouth as soon as she pointed at him. "I'm meeting someone here!"

"Is it the person you fucked?" Chanwoo excitedly asked, Cho giggling and shrugging.

"Maybe, maybe not. Maybe it's his brother. Maybe it's his friend." She playfully inquired, going to sit at an empty booth.

"Welco- holy shit no way." Chanwoo said, looking between Cho and Jiwon when the man walked up to the counter.

"Hey. Can I just get an iced americano?" Jiwon asked as he flashed him a charming smile.

"Cho's over there, Sunbae." Dong-Gyun said as he pointed at the oblivious woman, Cho twirling her hair as she played on her phone.

"Thank you." Jiwon said as he made his way over to her, Cho looking up when the chair across from her was pulled out. "I brought your shirt. I even washed it."

"You don't have to sound so mean, Sunbae." Cho pouted as she took her shirt back, checking the time on her phone. "Oh, before I leave, why are you on hiatus? If you don't mind me asking."

"And why would I have to tell you?" He shot back, Cho shrugging as she grabbed her bag and stood up.

"You don't have to, I just wanna know if you're feeling okay. You going off like that kinda pushed me to watch another livestream." She absentmindedly said, Jiwon's jaw clenching at her words.

"Guess I'm just in a slump." Cho hummed and opened her arms as an offering for a hug, Jiwon looking at her in confusion.

"It's because I don't wanna ask what's causing the slump. And, when Hee, Chanwoo, or Dong-Gyun are feeling down they say my hugs make them feel better." She said, Jiwon hesitantly accepting her hug. "I hope that helped! I have to go or else I'll be late! Let me know if you need anything! See you later, Sunbae!"

"Anything, huh?" Jiwon said as he registered what she said, heading up to the counter and grabbing his drink.

"Cho paid for it, Sunbae." Dong-Gyun said when Jiwon went to pay, the man sighing before bidding them well and leaving.

Sun-BaE 🤪😩:
There is something I would like to offer.

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