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"Hiya Sunbae!" About two days after the stream, Cho showed up at Jiwon's door. He stared at her blankly before letting her in.

"You said you had something to show me."

"Yes! MD Oppa talked to your boss aaaaand..." Cho rummaged through her bag as Jiwon sat on his couch and stared at her, looking startled when she turned. "...convinced him to give me a free mask!"

Cho was excitedly waiting on his reaction, Jiwon rolling his eyes.

"So I wanted to give you a blowy while I wear it."

"Somehow, you'd gotten better." Jiwon sighed as Cho sucked him off. They were in his broadcasting room, Cho wearing her new mask as he stared down at her. She pulled off of him with a pop, jerking him as she looked up at him.

"I know you watched the stream, Sunbae." Cho cooed as she teasingly dragged her tongue on his vein, Jiwon tensing as he grit his teeth. "So tense, hm?"

She grinned up at him before throating him, Jiwon lurching forward in his seat as he gripped the arms of the chair, swearing lowly when his breathing started to become irregular.

"Stop being tense." Cho hummed as she pulled away again, Jiwon refusing to look at her as his eyes closed, a groan rumbling in his throat when she started to jerk him off. "All we did was play with the toys. Your still the only real dick that's been in me."

That soothed his thoughts, his hips bucking as she throated him again.

"Love that you don't gag." He sighed as he finally relaxed, reclining in his chair as Cho took care of him.

"Woah, I hope you didn't think I was letting you off that easy." Cho said as his dick flexed, a strong indicator that he was going to cum. His eyes snapped open and he stared at the smirk Cho had. "I wanna hang out with you next weekend."

"Fuck no." Jiwon gritted out, Cho shrugging before sucking him off again, stopping when his dick flexed again.

"I can do this all day, Sunbae. I just wanna hang out next weekend. After I get done working out." She said, placing an open hand on the tip and twisting it around the opening, Jiwon letting out a startled gasp.

"Fuck- fine! Fine, we can meet up next weekend." He agreed hurriedly when Cho went to stop, the woman humming and smiling before throating him again.


"I was wondering if you were going to show up." Cho said as she fixed the beanie on her head, dressed in an oversized shirt and overall shorts.

" Cho said as she fixed the beanie on her head, dressed in an oversized shirt and overall shorts

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"Whatever, let's just go in."

"Don't act so salty." Cho said as she rolled her eyes, leading him to the snack line. "We're getting food first."


"A romance movie?" Cho asked in annoyance, huffing as they sat down. "This is the last time I let Hee pick a movie."

Jiwon watched her facial expressions throughout the movie, noticing that she had laughed when the two were arguing on screen, earning looks from the people around her.

"I thought she would get a horror or action movie, not something as boring as that." Cho said as she yawned and stretched.

"Before you even-"

"Nope! We're going to the arcade next!" Cho cut him off and grabbed his hand, dragging him to the arcade excitedly.

"Ha! I win again!"

"You cheated." Jiwon said angrily as Cho celebrated her victory, the woman turning to him as they glared at each other.

"Sounds like someone wants to get their ass kicked again."

"Bring it, cheater." She beat him in that game.

And the one after that.

And the one after the one after that.

And the one after the one after the one after that.

"Hey Cho-Byeol, go get some more change." Jiwon said as he went into his wallet.

"Again?!" Cho asked him in shock. "We've played almost all the games here. How about we stop now?"

"No." Jiwon said angrily, a vein poking out on his neck.

"...I'll get more change then." Cho was lost in thought as she tried to find a game she could let him win at, her eyes falling on a shooting game. "Sunbae! Let's play this one!"

He sluggishly walked after her, Cho putting in some coins before grabbing her gun.

"You're really good at this, Sunbae! Even though it's your first time!" Cho complemented, looking at his score. It had taken her weeks when she first played this to get a score like that. Now, she could easily surpass it.

"You're holding back." Jiwon said as he gripped the gun, Cho sighing. "Give me a challenge."

"If you say so."

"I'm never going to the arcade with you again." Jiwon said as they walked out of the arcade, Cho laughing loudly as he stared down at her in irritation.

"Oh, we should go grab something to eat before it gets too late." Cho said as she calmed down, looking at her watch.

"Nah, I'm good. I'm gonna go home." Jiwon said before his stomach growled, Cho stifling her laughter.

"Come on, let's go! I found a great place!" Cho said as she grabbed his hand again and led him towards the restaurant she had found, Jiwon staring at their hands.

"Another bowl of rice please!" The carrot Jiwon was about to eat fell out of his hand as he stared wide eyed at Cho, who had eaten a lot of food. She had taken him to an all you can eat buffet, literally eating all she can.

"Another bowl?" Jiwon asked as he picked up his carrot, biting into it as Cho drank some of her tea. "You're still not full after eating all of that?"

"That? That's less than half of what I normally eat." Cho said casually, Jiwon nearly choking on his carrot.

"'Less than half'?! No way! How many packs of instant noodles do you eat in one sitting?!"

"About six, with meat and rice to add to it." Cho said as she thought about it. "Probably seven. What about you, Sunbae?"

"Obviously I don't eat instant noodles! It's fattening! Don't you get fat?!"

"I mean, you see my body almost every day. Does it look like it?" Cho asked him seriously, scratching her overalls where her bellybutton would be. "I don't gain weight, no matter how much I eat. And I exercise on impulse, so it's not from that."

"I hate you... I gain weight even when I drink water." Jiwon said as he slumped down.

"Oh, uh, s-sorry!" Cho hurriedly said as she felt herself panicking. He glanced up in confusion when she started to breathe heavily, his brows furrowing.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"I-I-I'm f-fine." Cho huffed out, grabbing her things and bowing to him before going up to pay. She returned to the table and quickly bowed again. "I-I paid th-the tab. You c-can go home now. Sleep w-well."

He glanced over when the door opened, Hee quickly waving at him as Cho ran over to her.

"-breathe Cho, he's not here." Is all he heard as he headed to leave, watching as Dong-Gyun opened the backseat car door. But what startled him the most, was the tears pouring down Cho's face and the sob that escaped her quivering lips.

"What the hell?" And I thought my past was bad. He thought as the car sped away.

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