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"Welcome. D-do you have a reservation?" Cho smiled at the host when he glanced down at her, the male stuttering at her appearance.

"I'm meeting with Ahn Jiwon! He should be waiting." She said happily, the host nodding.

"Follow me."

"Do you like working here?" Cho asked as they started walking towards the room Jiwon was waiting in.


"Like me and school!" The two shared a laugh as he opened the door for her.

"You're in room number eight."

"Thank you!" Jiwon nearly dropped his phone when his eyes landed on Cho as she waved at the host, turning around and skipping over to the table. "Hello Sunbae. How are you?"

"Good." A waiter entered the room and Cho stared curiously at him as she practically bounced in her seat. "We'll have what I ordered earlier. And a bottle of Kioliang wine."

"I hope you aren't planning on driving after that." Cho said seriously, Jiwon smirking as he looked over at her.

"It's for you to drink."

"Wow." Cho blinked hard before pouring herself some tea and guzzling it down, wincing as it burned her tongue. "Well then, should we cut to the chase? Because I'm sure you wouldn't have called me just to have a drink."

"You wanted to ask...why I was in a slump." Jiwon said as he paused, Cho nodding and folding her arms in front of her as she focused on him. "It's because I haven't had sex lately."

"Bull." Cho sighed, waving him off. "That's a lie. We fucked the other day, so come up with a better excuse."

"Hm. You're smarter than you act." Jiwon snickered a little, Cho jutting a brow at that. "I need stories to tell, and that one story isn't going to satisfy the viewers. And I can't go around fucking random people because I don't want anyone else to know."

"And seeing as I'm your only option, you came to me." Cho held up a hand when Jiwon went to say something. "Hee-Young is Dong-Gyun's dom. They're in a relationship."

"Therefore off limits." Jiwon muttered.

"Give me a good reason why." Cho said as she grinned darkly, the two of them staring at each other intensely. Jiwon clenched his hand and jaw at that, Cho laughing a little. "Aw come on, don't hold your tongue."

"Your food is ready." The same host from before had brought their food, Cho turning to him with a welcoming grin.

"Bring it! I'm starving!" She said as she made room on the table, thanking him and waiting for him to leave. "Well? I wanna hear it."

"I didn't wanna go this far. But when I evaluated the situation..." Jiwon trailed off as flashes from the night they shared hit him. " were the best option."

"Man, with the way you're looking at me, it's almost like you wanna fuck me right here and now on this table." Cho said cockily, leaning forward so they were close. "It's hot."

"We're just going to be sex partners, got it?" Jiwon said, Cho shrugging as she sat back in her seat.

"I don't mind. It helps with the cardio." She said as she started taking pictures on her phone, sending them to Hee when she was done. "But what if I refused?"

"I'll find someone else." Jiwon hesitantly said, looking startled when Cho stood up and walked over to him, grabbing his jaw and tilting his head back.

"I doubt that." She said as she stared into his eyes, nodding down at his lap. "Just like I doubt you'd be able to get it up without me. But I'll help you."

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