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"Kaden, stop," I insisted, but his smile only grew wider, fueled by my giggles.

"I've missed kissing you," he whispered softly, his eyes locking with mine, filled with affection and longing.

"I've missed kissing you too," I replied, my heart fluttering as our lips met in a tender kiss. As we embraced, he lifted me slightly, placing me on top of him. Our kisses grew slower, deeper, and every touch felt like a sweet revelation.

With the world fading away around us, Kaden pulled the covers over us, and a warm smile graced his lips. "I fucking love you," he whispered, his sincerity sending a wave of warmth through me.

"I love you too," I beamed, snuggling into his embrace, feeling safe and cherished.

In the quiet intimacy of the moment, he nuzzled against my neck, apologizing for the recent troubles with Adam. A sudden seriousness filled the air, and I mustered the courage to address the elephant in the room.

"Can we talk about the A word?" I asked, trying to lighten the mood with a playful tone.

His laughter resonated against my skin as he responded, "Okay," planting tender kisses on each side of my neck, causing me to giggle uncontrollably.

A sudden interruption shattered the tender moment between Kaden and me. Jamie's exclamation, loud and indiscreet, jolted us both. I swiftly pulled the covers off us, feeling a blush creep up my cheeks as I realized what it must have looked like to him.

"Oh my god, I told him to give us a few hours," I whispered, slightly embarrassed as I got up from the bed. But Kaden, not wanting to be disturbed, pulled me back down, his lips brushing against my neck.

"He'll get the idea to fuck off," he mumbled, his breath warm against my skin. I couldn't help but chuckle softly at his brash response.

"Mhmm, but I want to meet his girlfriend," I admitted, curiosity getting the best of me.

Kaden's response was dismissive, describing her as an "average girl" who was "funny but isn't any different." I found myself on top of him, entangled in his embrace, but my eagerness to meet Olivia remained unyielding.

"I really want to see her," I insisted, hoping he'd understand my fascination.

"And I really want to sleep with my girlfriend," he sighed, seemingly resigned to my request.

"Please," I whined, trying to persuade him.

"Fine, but you're sleeping over," he relented, teasingly asserting his dominance. As I reached for my top, Kaden took it from me, offering one of his hoodies instead.

"Kaden, I have to get dressed," I laughed, holding up my shirt.

"I don't want you wearing that around him, wear this," he said firmly, throwing the hoodie at me. My playful defiance got the better of me, and I tossed his hoodie on the floor before slipping on my shirt.

"You're hot and you're my boyfriend," he said, a hint of admiration in his eyes. But I couldn't resist asserting my independence.

"But no one tells me what to wear," I smirked, playfully teasing him as I sauntered out of his room.

His response trailed after me, "You're lucky you're hot," eliciting a smirk from me.

As I descended the stairs, my gaze settled on Jamie and Olivia, standing there as if they owned the place.

"You must be Olivia," I greeted with a forced smile, already sensing a frosty energy from her.

"You must be Naomi," she responded with a smirk that immediately put me on edge. "I'm getting major bitch energy." I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her comment, catching Jamie smirking at the exchange.

"Yeah, that's my name," I retorted, giving Olivia a stern glare. Just then, Kaden strolled downstairs, looking rather attractive but shirtless. I tried to remain composed.

Olivia's demeanor shifted drastically as soon as she laid eyes on Kaden, infuriating me. Nevertheless, I put on a smile when he greeted me warmly.

"Anyone hungry?" I tried to change the subject, wanting to avoid any unnecessary drama.

"Yeah, make that pasta you made a few nights ago, baby," Kaden said, earning another smile from me.

"I'll help," Olivia offered, prompting an eye roll from me as I headed to the kitchen. I put the pasta and the pot on the stove to boil, trying to focus on cooking rather than letting Olivia's presence get to me.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Olivia broke the silence, her words cutting straight to the point.

"So, are you like his toy, or does he actually care about you?" she said, her smirk returning.

"I'm his girlfriend, didn't you meet us like a week ago?" I shot back, not willing to let her get under my skin.

"Well, at least I know they both like me," she whispered, and right at that moment, Kaden walked in and embraced me from behind.

"Pasta smells good," he whispered softly in my ear, providing some much-needed comfort. I glanced at Olivia, who was now hugging Jamie, and tried to focus on the warmth of Kaden's embrace, determined not to let her presence ruin the evening.

His warm breath tickled my ear as he whispered, "You're staring, what's wrong?" I turned my attention from the stove to Kaden, feeling a mix of emotions welling up inside me. Ignoring the world around us, I leaned in to kiss him slowly, and in response, he pressed me against the kitchen counter.

As we kissed, I couldn't help but notice Olivia's glare. A smirk crept across my lips, knowing her jealousy was evident. Running my fingers through Kaden's hair, I teased him playfully. "You're jealous. What's making you jealous?" I whispered, feeling his hand in mine as we made our way to the living room.

In the living room, I couldn't contain my concerns about Olivia any longer. "I don't like her, she keeps looking at you," I expressed, crossing my arms in frustration.

With a mischievous smile, Kaden replied, "Maybe it's my dashing face, my amazing abs, or maybe my bruised knuckles. Everyone loves a bad boy."

Trying to be serious, I urged him, "Kaden, I'm being serious. She could do something."

He softened his tone, agreeing to keep his distance. "Okay, okay, I'll keep my distance, but only if you promise to stay tonight," he negotiated, trying to reassure me.

I hesitated, knowing my mom wouldn't approve. "Kaden, my mom won't allow me to."

Determined, he insisted, "I'll call her, just stay, please," flashing a smile that always made my heart flutter.

Relenting to his charm, I whispered, "Fine," and made my way back into the kitchen.

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