The Prologue

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With one last hug, she lifted her bags and gave one last smile to the two eleven year old girls.

"Girls we had a fun night, but it's officially time for me to go to college."

First person to launch into Jolie's arms was her adopted sister Sophie. 

"Don't go!" She cried, burying her face into Jolie's soft sweater. 

"Sophie," Jolie said, "I'll come visit okay?"

Sophie nodded. "Visit a lot! So I don't know you're gone!"

Jolie pulled away and ruffled her hair. "See you soon baby sister." Then she turned to the stubborn brown haired girl who's hair was tugged over her face. "Biana, are you okay?"

Biana shook her head. She stepped forward and hugged Jolie. "Please don't leave."

"Queen B, I have to go. This is an amazing opportunity, at such a good college. Plus we just had a fun sleepover. And you heard Sophie, I'll visit so much you won't even know I'm gone." 

Sure Sophie and Jolie were close, they were adopted sisters, but Jolie had known Biana a lot longer. 

Jolie's family, the Ruewen's adopted Sophie two years ago, after a terrible accident resulting in Alden Vacker (Biana's father), Grady Ruewen's (Jolie's father) friend, to find a scared ten year old girl while he was out on a walk with his son. She was scared and had pulled her family out of a car crash, which unfortunately ended with everyone besides Sophie getting a serious case of amnesia. 

But because their families were friends, Jolie and Biana ended up becoming close, because Jolie had grown up an only child and Biana had two older brothers, Alvar (the oldest) and Fitz (the middle child.)

So college in Biana's opinion was not an option. She did not want her big sister leaving, and neither did Sophie.

"Please don't go." She begged again, refusing to let go.

Jolie carefully pulled her away. "I'll visit lots and lots. I promise."

"Promise?" Biana's bright teal eyes locked with Jolie's turquoise ones. 

"I promise." Jolie gave her another hug, and gave Sophie one more to be fair, before turning to her parents to say goodbye.

And afterward, Jolie got into the car with Brant (her fiancé) and drove away.

Sophie and Biana clung to each other and Edaline (Sophie's mom) and Della (Biana's mom) led them back into the massive Everglen Manor.

One year later...

Jolie had visited three times since her leaving. Both Sophie and Biana were twelve, and she was coming to visit again!

They anxiously waited by the door of Havenfield Manor and waited for her to come.

Hours passed by and finally Edaline told the girls to come eat something.

Eventually, Grady came into the room with a solemn expression. "Jolie just called." He said.

Sophie perked up. "Is she coming?" Biana's face mirrored her best friend's.

"Girls, Jolie can't make it this time. Her apartment was burnt down and Brant was killed. Luckily, Jolie's alive, but she's very weak and won't be able to leave the hospital for a while."

Biana could believe it. Sophie jumped up and ran to Edaline.

Edaline clutched Sophie tight and asked Grady, "What happened?"

Grady shook his head which Biana interpreted as he didn't know. "Brant's funeral was a small burying, with the body they found, and his parents are with Jolie right now."

Sophie's body shook. "Can we see her?"

Grady shook his head again. "I'm afraid not girls. Al the flights are booked."

One year later...

Jolie had made a full recovery, but unfortunately had to drop out of her university because of all the time she'd lost. She was supposed to come back home to Havenfield, but the day she was supposed to return, she never came.

This time Edaline broke the news to the girls. "Sophie, Biana, Jolie was offered a job. She's not coming home. She wants to stay with Brant."

The two thirteen year olds felt like crying.

Finally, Biana made a decision. "I'm going to be strong. Jolie's like my big sister, and I have to support her choice. Plus I think it's sweet she's staying for Brant even when he's not there. I want to be in love like that."

And ever since, Biana Vacker was a hopeless romantic.

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