Start from the beginning


"Him calling us weird?"

"The oppressor. The oppressor. The oppressor."

"Lucy." Edmund sighed in relief making Emily turn around.

"Your majesties."

"Caspian, Emily and Edmund. This is Coriakin. It's his island." As Lucy said this, the three of them bowed down.

"That's what he thinks. You have wronged us, magician." the chief chirped up.

The three turned their attention to the small creature. "I have not wronged you. I made you invisible for your own protection." Coriakin explained.

"Protection? That's oppressive. Oppressor." the creature argued. "I have not oppressed you." Coriakin argued. "But you could have, if you wanted to."

"Begone." Coriakin threw something at the creatures making them go ballistic and jump around like lunatics.

"What was that?" Lucy asked. "Lint. But don't tell them." Coriakin whispered to Lucy. "What were those things?" Eustace asked, looking disgusted at the creatures.

"Dufflepuds." Coriakin called over his shoulder to Eustace. "Right, of course. silly me." Eustace muttered to himself.

They all followed Coriakin into his house and through many hallways. "What did you mean when you said you made them invisible for their own good?" Emily asked, curiously.

"It seemed the easiest way to protect them. From the evil." Coriakin replied.

Edmund and Emily shared a glance. "You mean the mist?" he asked.

"I mean, what lies behind the mist." They were lead into a room that the ceiling was bewitched to look like a starry sky.

Coriakin took out a roll of paper and threw it across the floor showing a map. It filled with colour like the sea.

At the bottom, there was the first battle between the white witch. Emily could see Peter's unicorn which stood out the most.

"It's quite beautiful." Eustace gaped, looking at the map. Everyone looked at him. Emily raised her eyebrows at him.

"I mean, for a make-believe map of a make-believe world." Eustace corrected himself.

"There is the source of your troubles." The map moved to show a dark island covered in dark green mist.

"Dark island." Well, no shit.

"A place where evil lurks. It can take any form. It can make your darkest dreams come true."

"It seeks to corrupt all goodness, to steal all the light from this world."

"How do we stop it?" Lucy asked, stepping forward. "You must break its spell. That sword you carry. There are six others." Coriakin pointed to Edmund's sword that he was carrying.

"Have you seen them?" Edmund asked.


"The six lords, they passed through here?" Caspian asked, slowly looking between the captain and Coriakin. "Indeed."

"Where were they headed?" Emily asked, curiously. "Where I sent them." Coriakin answered.

Helpful. The map moved to a more cheerful-looking island.

"To break the spell. You must follow the blue star, to Ramandu's island. There, the seven swords must be laid at Aslan's table. Only then can their true magical power be released. But beware, you are all about to be tested."

"Tested? How do you mean?" Emily asked. "Until you lay down the seventh sword, evil has the upper hand. It will do everything in it's power to tempt you. Be strong. Don't fall to temptation. To defeat the darkness out there, you must defeat the darkness inside yourself." Coriakin put a hand on his heart as he spoke.


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