Start from the beginning

"What are you doing?" Edmund asked, frowning at his sisters unusual behaviour. Lucy snapped out of her daze. "Nothing. Come on then." Lucy muttered taking the bike and walking off, cringing at herself.

Edmund frowned, looking back to see anything unusual that Lucy had spotted but there was nothing. He jogged catch to catch up with his sister.

Back to Emily, she stared out of the window watching the trees go by and letting her thoughts take control over her.

The carriage soon started to reach the end of the land where the sea lay ahead. Emily had missed the ocean.

The salty smell and the warm sand. It reminded her of the second time her and the Pevensie's went to Narnia.

How they splashed each other with the water and how the hot sand felt under her feet. Emily's father signalled to the driver to stop the carriage.

"Why are we stopping?" Haylee, the bratty step-sister asked, sweetly. "Necesitamos un poco de aire fresco y dejar qué el conductor descanse un poco." Emily's father answered, sweetly.

'How could he be so sweet now. It's not like he's changed..' Emily thought to herself, sending her father a secret death glare.

The door opened and Emily's father climbed out holding out a hand for each other the girl's to hold onto.

Emily was the last out, hesitating before taking her father's hand and stepping out onto the pavement where the strong wind whipped back her curls and making Emily pull a face at how strong the wind was.

Emily watched as her father, step-mother and step-sister walked around on the beach.

Emily stood near the waves watching as the came towards her and she watched as the sky turned into pink's and orange's and the sun was setting before her.

Emily felt herself walking towards the waves as if something was pulling her towards the waves.

It was like a magnet pulling her towards metal. The salty smell of the ocean reaching her nose. She walked into the waves not caring if her dress got wet until she felt something pull her under.

Emily struggled under the water as her dress was all over the place blocking her view. She felt herself coming towards the surface and she noticed that she was in the middle of the ocean.

She could of sworn that she didn't go that far into the ocean. She turned around in the water looking for any kind of land she could but all she could see was a big ship inching towards her.

Emily began to panic thinking she was going to get killed by whoever was on that boat. She watched as someone dove into the water and began to swim towards her.

Her eyes widened as the person came swimming towards her. Emily started swimming the opposite way hoping they wouldn't catch her.

She then felt two hands grab her from behind and she almost let out a scream when she heard them speak.

"It's all right. We're not going to do anything to hurt you." Emily knew that voice from somewhere. It sounded so familiar. Emily turned around to see Caspian holding her in the water.


"Emily?" She quickly hugged him, relief washing over her. "Em. What are you doing here? I thought you weren't coming back." Caspian asked. "I don't know how I'm here." She answered, a big smile etched on her face.

"Come on. Let's get you on this boat." Caspian began swimming back towards the boat. Emily sighed in relief. Emily swam after Caspian. They both got onto the boat and were given towels.

"Are the others here?" Emily asked, wrapping the towel around her body. "You're the first. Let me show you to your room and there should be some clothes in there for you."

Caspian tried not to smile as he lead her down into a cabin where a couple of rooms were. "I'll be out on deck if you need me." Caspian shut the door behind him on his way out.

Emily looked around the room to see a double bed with some pirate looking clothes. She remembered Aslan saying something about ancestors and them being pirates.

She walked towards the bed looking at the clothes. She picked up the shirt which she realised was the shirt that Edmund was wearing the day they left Narnia.

She didn't know if she could put it on, since he had a girlfriend and it would be pretty strange if she wore it. She contemplated it for a minute.

"Oh, whatever. He's probably not returning anytime soon anyway." Emily gave up and took off her wet clothes and placed them into a wardrobe she found in the room.

She put on the pants that she had to roll up because they were too big for her and the shirt over the top, tucking it into the pants. And unbuttoning the top few buttons. She heard people calling from outside the cabin.


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