Chapter Eleven

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Dipper continued to walk through the forest instead of going to the Mystery Shack, against Bill's constant argument. Dipper walked around and enjoyed the beautiful scenery and noise until he felt a chill run up his spine. The wind began to pick up, blowing through Dipper's bangs and underneath his hat enough for Dipper to grab onto it.

It was then that Dipper realized that the sun was halfway down and that the moon starting to appear high in the early night sky. Dipper began to walk back to the shack with the wind to his back. He held onto one of the straps of his backpack while holding his hat with his other hand.

He entered the shack without knocking, knowing that it might disturb the occupants inside. But once the door shut, his twin sister came running from the living room, alerting his Grunkle Stan that he was home.

"Dipper, it's 10 o'clock! Why were you out so late?!"

Mabel's worried expression only made Dipper want to roll his eyes. She acts as if she cares but that's all a lie. If she was given the chance she wouldn't think twice before throwing him under the bus.

Instead of answering her, Dipper walked past his sister and up to their room. He heard Stan yell for him as he took the steps two at a time. He ignored him as well.

The weirder you act the more suspicious they'll be of you.

"Not like I care what those two think. The only one that's important is Ford."

Dipper closed the door behind himself and rushed over to his side of the room, flopping himself down on his bed. He buried his head in his pillow and sighed. The last place he wanted to be right now was here, yet here he was.

It was one thing to be here, but another thing to deal with the people in this world. There was nothing more that he wanted than to be in Reverse Falls. He hadn't met any other people of that universe other than Mabel, Tyrone, and Will. What about the opposite of Wendy? Soos? Pacifica... what a sight that will be to see. Though, Pacifica's not as bad as she was before, but that doesn't mean she hasn't hurt him in the past.

A knock on the window brought Dipper back to reality, which, as said before, is not where he wanted to be. He was happy thinking about the other dimension, but now here he is in his own reality. Dipper groaned and raised his head to the window, maybe a bird hit it?

"Damn it, Mason, open up!"

Mason gasped with a large smile, finding that the cause of the obnoxious knocking was from Tyrone. Mason scrambled to the window and unlocked it, holding the window up for Tyrone to sneak through.

"Tyrone, what are you doing here?!"

Tyrone made it half-way through the window when there was another obnoxious knock, this one coming from the door, "Dipper? You in here?"

The boys looked to one another for a moment before Mason began to shove Tyrone back through the window, slamming it shut as he rushed to the door. Mabel, upon hearing the slam, rushed into the room.

"What was that?"

"I was about to go out to the ledge when you knocked. The window slipped, sorry."

Mabel sighed and put her hand on Mason's shoulder, "Dipper, is everything OK?"

Mason rolled his eyes, he didn't want Tyrone to be waiting too long, "I'm fine, Mabel, just need some air."

"You sure? You know you can come to me if there's anything wrong."

"I said I'm fine!"

Mason shoved away from Mabel and rushed to the window. He crawled out and only glanced at Mabel's sorrow-filled face before disappearing to the ledge. Hopefully, she's smart enough not to follow.

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