Start from the beginning

"Well, you'll probably be wanting yours back." Peter took his sword and then started walking off, the rest of them all following behind. The girl who looked like Emily stayed near Caspian. Yet, the tanned boy didn't acknowledge her. He was too busy gawking at Susan.

The girl sighed in annoyance before walking slower and looking back to see her suspected twin walking with Edmund.

Edmund saw the girl approach, to which he whispered something in Emily's ear before walking slightly further ahead. "Hey" The girl began.

"Hey. I'm assuming your my sister. It would be kind of ironic to have to people who are unrelated yet they look like siblings" Emily said, awkwardly. She barely remembered her sister, the only time she was mentioned was when The Professor told her the story.

"Yep, many of the Narnians mistook me for you. I mean I was honoured. There's so much written about you that I can barely comprehend." The girl explained. "And since we haven't officially met, I'm Ivy." Ivy held out her hand for Emily to shake. "Pleasure to meet you."

"How did you end up here anyway?" Emily asked, confused as to how she had arrived. "Well, all Dad told me was that we were waiting for someone at the train station so we could go meet for the wedding." Ivy rambled.

Emily was shocked. "Wait, what? Dad is getting married? That's why Mrs. Macready wanted me to live with him." Emily asked, frowning. "Wait, you were the one we were waiting for?" Ivy asked, smiling. "It's a possibility."

"Oh my god! Well, just for your information, every since I can remember, Dad met this girl-" Ivy began explaining. "The same one that he cheated on Mum with?" Emily asked. "He did that?" Ivy asked, not realising what her father was truly capable of. "Gosh, you haven't been told have you?"

"Dad killed Mum because she refused to look after the both of us without him. And he cheated with this woman." Emily explained. "That's all the Professor told me."

"Gosh. Well that makes things worse. This woman is so horrible. Ive had to deal with her for the past, what? 11 years? And it's been torture. After a few years of being together, they had a kid, often leaving the house to make me look after her. But now she's a bratty, spoiled kid. And now we're all becoming one big family." Ivy explained, catching her breath after talking so much.

There was so much information, Emily could barely show her emotions. There were too many to handle.

"Gosh." Was all she could say. Emily walked in silence processing all this new information. Ivy didn't want to bother Emily anymore so she stared off in front of them to see the blonde boy she previously held her sword at. "Say, Emily, who is that blonde boy over there?" Ivy asked, curiously.

"That's Peter. Terrible temper. He's been bloody annoying the whole time. Him and Trumpkin bickering non stop. Though, come to think of it, it was quite entertaining. Well, for me and Ed anyway." Emily explained. Ivy noticed the nickname she had given for the Just King, smirking to herself.

"Em, what's with the nickname for Mister Just King over there?" Ivy asked, motioning to Edmund who was slightly ahead of them. "I don't know what you mean." Emily said.

"Do you like him? Is he your boyfriend or some thing. From what I've seen, you two are practically attached to the hip." Ivy pointed out.

"Me and Edmund? Dating? Pfft. Could never happen. We're just best friends." Emily explained. Ivy gave her a look, raising her eyebrows. Emily waved it off, changing the subject.

"Back to the siblings stuff. Edmund says he hates his siblings. He was convinced that I would find you horrible yet here you are and I can actually tolerate you. Unlike how he describes his siblings as intolerable." Emily explained.

When Edmund heard his name, he turned around. "Hey, that is not true!" He denied. "Is." "Isn't." "Is." "Isn't." the two of them argued back at each other.

"Oh, he definitely does like her." Ivy mumbled to herself. "Guessing you two are having fun." Edmund spoke. "We are actually. You ruined the moment. You've now been replaced, Pevensie." Emily smiled sarcastically, before walking off in front of Edmund and Ivy.

"She doesn't know how much I love it when she calls me by my last name." Edmund muttered to himself. "What is that I heard? You love my sister?" Ivy asked jokingly putting her hand behind her ear. He jumped and turned to see a smirking Ivy.

"I..uh..umm..you.." Edmund stuttered to get his words out. "Admit it. You like her." Ivy pushed on. "Well, I do. I have ever since I met her. But Adelaine's parents and my mother are practically forcing me to marry her." Edmund said, disappointed.

"Look, tell your mother and Adelaide's parents that you're in love with someone else. And I don't care if it breaks Adelaine's, your mothers or her parent's hearts. You should date or marry someone that you love. Not some stupid arranged marriage. I'm sure they'll understand." Ivy lightly patted his shoulder and walked off after her sister.


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