Start from the beginning

"Don't move, your majesty." Trumpkin warned. Lucy turned around looking at him, frowning. The bear started charging at her. She turned back around to see the bear charging at her. She started running from the bear, frightened. "Stay away from her!" Susan shouted, drawing an arrow and aiming at the bear.

Emily ran to get her bow and arrows from the boat. Lucy tripped over some stones, and fell to the floor, facing upwards towards the bear. "Shoot, Susan. Shoot!" Edmund shouted.

Lucy screamed as the bear stood on its hind legs and let out a growl. Emily loosened her arrow and it hit the bear right in the heart. Lucy turned and looked at Susan who hadn't released her arrow.

She shifted her gaze to behind her sister to see Emily. Emily lowered her bow as Susan turned to look at her. "Why wouldn't he stop?" Susan asked, lowering her bow and looking back at the dead animal.

"I suspect he was hungry." Trumpkin said. They all ran towards Lucy who had frozen in place at the sight of the dead bear in front of her. Peter picked Lucy up onto her feet and into his chest. "Thanks.."

"It's okay, Luce." Emily replied. Trumpkin poked the bear with his bow to see if it was dead. "He was wild." "I don't think he could talk at all.." Peter noted. "Get treated like a dumb animal long enough, that's what you'll become. You may find Narnia a more savage place than you remember." Trumpkin said.


They all walked through many cliffs. Peter leading the way, Susan and Lucy behind him and then Emily, Edmund and Trumpkin at the back. "I don't remember this way." Susan frowned. "That's the problem with girls, can't carry a map in your heads." Peter slightly turned around to look at the others.

"That's because our heads have something in them." Lucy shot back at him. "Ooh. Burn." Emily said, looking at Edmund smirking at each other.

"I wish he'd just listen to the D.L.F in the first place." Susan sighed. "D.L.F?" Edmund frowned. "Dear Little Friend." Lucy answered smirking. Emily looked behind her at Trumpkin.

"Oh, that's not at all patronising, is it?" Emily shook her head, smiling and then carried on walking. A few minutes after their conversation, they reached a dead end with rocks towering above them. "I'm not lost." Peter denied, looking around at the rocks.

"No. You're just going the wrong way." Trumpkin began, jumping down from a rock. "You last saw Caspian at the shuddering woods and the quickest way to get there is by crossing at the River Rush." Peter explained to the dwarf, annoyed.

"He does realise that everything has changed since the last time we were here, right?" Emily whispered to Edmund. "Just leave him. It's good for entertainment." Edmund answered back. "Well, you're not wrong there." Emily agreed.

"But unless I'm mistaken, there is no crossing between these parts." Trumpkin argued, glancing at the rocks and then back at Peter. "Well, that explains it then, you're mistaken." Peter angrily stated, giving Trumpkin an angry glare, then storming off.

They kept on walking through the many woods they encountered. "How much further? I don't think my legs can take this anymore." Emily complained as they walked down a hill surrounded with trees. Peter, who was leading the group, didn't answer he just walked ahead, still in a mood.

"Okay, High and Mighty King Peter, ignore me." Emily joked, holding her arms out as they continued walking down the hill. Edmund chuckled. Emily looked back at him, raising her eyebrows. "What's so funny? Me and my words or are you laughing at your imagination of me falling down this hill?" Emily asked.

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