Chapter 26 - A Dealer's walls

Start from the beginning

"No matter how I word this, you will still not look at me differently." Did he look sympathetic?

Since I got here, I have been finding it hard to read this boy.

No shit Sherlock. I know that I was looking for trouble when I asked him that question, but I was curious, sue me!

I cross my hands on my chest and stare him down.

"Have lunch with me today." He states simply.

It's official, the baboons in Tarzan have more brains than my employer.

"I don't think you are as charming as people paint you as; because even the prince from Snow White had more lines than you." I roll my eyes.

"How about a deal?"

I never knew I would hear those words from someone outside of the Empire.

"That's rich," I say and begin to walk away.

The people of the British Empire are very manipulating and know how to get their way without losing much when they make deals. So you can already imagine my answer to his request. He's not even from the Empire; all the more reason that I should be wary. He blocked my path, and my clogged brain held my eyes on his lips.

"You can request anything of your choice, and I will give you, given that you go to lunch with me."

An opening to get Danny here without raising suspicions. Perfect.

I could say yes, but I'd have to think it over. Also, I want Caleb to sweat it out.

"And what makes you think a poor girl wants something for you? I am not one of your desperate fangirls looking for a quick lay.." I narrowed my eyes at him when I remembered why I was even angry at him in the first place.

This dimwit wants to buy me over. Even Moana would have made a better proposal, and she is a fucking princess on an island.

Only if he knew.

"Last time I checked, the only thing needed is my paycheck for when I leave here." I raise my brow at him, daring him to question it.

Not giving him a chance to answer me, I walked out of the kitchen and into my room.

I didn't bother to glance at Jack and Shawn, who gave me matching and knowing looks.

I changed out of my sweats into whitewashed jeans, a blue button-up and some loafers.

When I got out of the penthouse, the elevator opened. I was swarmed by the press. My anger was already at its breaking point, and the last thing I needed was to blow up in this country. No, thank you.

I was pushed and shoved around, not making it to the door. What finally tipped the scale was when someone almost ripped some of my hair from my scalp.

I turned to the news reporter with a glare that could freeze hell over and turn Mount Everest into a volcano.

I was about to explode. Before my voice could come out, a hand clamped itself on my mouth.

Another hand wrapped itself around my waist.

"Princess, if you told me not to spill your secret, why don't you keep to your rules." Jacob's teasing tone was not one I could miss, even if I were in a room with nosy news reporters.

I forced myself to clamp my mouth shut and allowed him to lead me out of the lobby and into a waiting uber.

I felt Pascal as we rode from the penthouse to the orphanage.

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