Chapter 1

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Cars passed by, the sounds of honking horns and angry drivers yelling at each other. As the light turned green on the crosswalk, Damien huffed and adjusted his overcoat. Rushing across the path before the light could change. 

Hazel eyes darted around quickly and cautiously as he could hear children's laughter coming from a park. Screams of enjoyment, laughter, and dogs barking were all growing louder. Trees covering the sun more and more as the noises grew louder. 

A giggle arose as the male had to stop abruptly before crashing into a family. When Damien looked up, he saw a mom with brown hair going down to the middle of her back and brown eyes. A dad with red hair and greenish brown eyes. And a little girl, around two years old, with light brown hair and bright blue eyes. 

The short male smiled at the little girl and waved to her, getting an eruption of laughs and her making signals of wanting to be picked up. The blonde looked at his watch and huffed, "I'm so sorry for almost running into you, I wasn't paying attention where I was going. Your daughter is very adorable, now I hate to say this but I'm almost late for work. Have a great day," he stated, practically falling again as he started running to the restaurant he called work. 

Stopping right outside the door of the building, he sighed and opened the door. Walking towards the kitchen and pushing the door open and heaping in. Taking his overcoat off and putting it on a hook. Trading it for an apron and tying it in the back. 

Once settled, he walked over to the stove. Looking around, making sure he has all if his equipment, a bright blue shape caught his eyes. 

Looking around and seeing his coworker busy washing dishes on the other side of the room. The blonde sighed heavily and picked up the shape, a blue butterfly with a torn wing and an 'x' on the other wing. 

He gave the butterfly a questioning look but went over to his coat and put it into the pocket. Once he knew it was secure, he walked back over to stove and turned it on. 

The water from the sink stopped and loud gasp of fear came from behind the blonde. "Damien, when did you get here? And why are you always so quiet, I swear you're going to give me a heart attack one of these days." 

Damien chuckled and turned to face his ravenette friend, looking right into his green eyes. "Sorry Zekeial, I didn't want to disturb you while you were doing the dishes," the blonde responded, getting a dish towel thrown at him. 

A knock at the door broke the two males from joking around and looked at the door. Damien walked over to see who it was. 

The taller male opened up the window that led to the main dining area and grabbed another towel from his pocket. Wiping down the counter and humming a bit. 

The blonde male opened the door and looked around, "Kris, was that you?" A feminine giggle erupted as a girl with brown hair that stopped at her shoulders poked her head out. 

"I wanted to let you both know it was time to open up, now hurry up and start with getting breakfast ready before I open that door for good," the slightly shorter female stated, looking at her coworker with a cross expression. Her greenish grey eyes piercing into his, causing a shiver to run down his spine. 

The blonde nodded and walked back into the kitchen, glancing over at Zekeial. The shorter walking to the freezer and opening the door, grabbing two packages of meat. 

"We have some already thawed, so you really don't need those," the ravenette stated, walking to the fridge and grabbing a few already thawed packages of meat. 

The blonde rolled his eyes and walked to the fridge, setting the meat from the freezer in it and grabbing eggs. "So, I have a family reunion to go to today so could you cover the end of my shift? It's really just cleaning," the shorter asked, getting a huff from the taller. 

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