× Foreword ×

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  Hello and thank you for choosing this book to read!

  Before you get started, I wanted to let you know that this is Book 2 in the Unearth series I have written. I would highly recommend you read Unearth first here on my Wattpad account vintage_gigi because this book just wouldn't be the same if you skipped it.

  Unearth contains a major plot twist that would be spoiled if you read this book!

  In addition, I am editing Unearth entirely and it is taking some time to do so, but I don't want to hold back Book 2 any longer.

  Now that I've mentioned the most important thing, it's time for me to share some information regarding my FanFiction series based on Marvel's comic book characters brought to the big screen.

  In this book you will find themes of:

  > Criminal activity
  > PTSD
  > Action
  > Occasional swearing (Language)
  > Classical Music

  I would like to especially note that this Book revolves around the criminal underground since my main characters, Daya and Jake, were linked to New York's Mobsters. But this is FICTION. Any and all names, characters, or persons I've written and created are NOT REAL and it is not my intention to link it to the real world.

  In other words, the criminal characters I have created and feature in this book are MADE UP and so are the territories they claim to control in the MCU's world. If any of my characters sound like a person from the real world, it is NOT my intention to model any of them after said person.

  Additionally, like all works of storytelling, my main character Daya has been through a lot. After the events of Book 1 she will be having moments of PTSD that include flashbacks of captivity, torture, and verbal abuse due to Marvel's villain Strucker from the events of Avengers : Age Of Ultron.

  If you are sensitive to this, I would advise not to read my book. If you are fine to read my book, I will have a little message at the top of the chapter stating what to expect. I do keep it PG in terms of description, but the topic is still there.

  In terms of "Action" I will be having some fight sequences and thriller type moments. I really hope I've grown in my way of depicting action. It is quite confusing at times since Daya has to use her abilities in accordance with hand movements, gestures, etcetera. However, if you have read Book 1, I love the Avatar The Last Airbender universe and got my inspiration for Daya from the show, so if you'd like to have a visual representation of how she uses her powers check it out. It's a good show I promise.

  On the topic of LANGUAGE, the use of curse words in my book are mainly the 'S' word and 'C' word. I blurt the middle out, for example sh-t, but it is still the word so a forewarning is in order. If I do have a more explicit word, I will blurt it out almost completely. For example, f--k.

  As for "classical music" I reference the names of famous classical music compositions for certain scenes within the story. I simply love the pieces and find them fitting and inspirational for moments in the book. You are also welcome to check out the songs to get the full feel of the chapters dramatic moments.

  Now that everything has been covered, and I apologize for this delay to jump straight into the book, I hope you enjoy my work of fiction linked to the MCU!

  Enjoy and share any feedback! I love to develop my skills as a writer and storyteller!

Love you peeps!

- GiGi

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Once again, if you haven't read Unearth I suggest you don't proceed to the next chapter!

Spoilers ahead!

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