Fun Facts!

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Hey guys! So this will be the last update to this book really. After this the book is going to be marked as complete though I won't be changing the title at all so it isn't too long. So a few people have had a few questions on this book and The Final Stand especially but for this one I'll be focusing only on this book.

For those who still don't know this is book 1...there will be a sequel. And I can already confirm there will NOT be a 3rd book. I already have a pretty good outline that holds pretty firm, and I'm ready to start on it, heck I could do a prologue now...however I gotta finish the cover first which always takes the longest XD.

So starting off with a common question that's been in my PM's.

"Did you like the book that you made? And do you like the other books you made because I always read how you're complaining about making Final Stand chapters."

Granted that's a pretty broad question that combines two different questions. I'll start off with the fact that I'm proud of the book I made, I'm proud of everything that I write, that includes the Final Stand despite what people might think I am proud of it.

"How did I come up with the ideas of this book?"

Well, when I make a book. I want it to be original. To be different from others that I make but that can be built on different foundational aspects. What I'm meaning is that it's a common thing to have Springtrap as the one with an abusive dad and be the one struggling in Goldtrap books...from what I've seen. I built off that however did not exactly follow that path as you read through this story.

I can also have quite the imagination, so for me thinking of ideas for a book isn't hard. I mainly thought of them from similar experiences I've gone through. Now granted I don't have a giant mutant dad who's trying to hunt me down and kill me but like Spring I do have depression as you all probably know from the 2 year anniversary thing I made. And while that's good just Spring with depression and a book about that isn't entirely interesting...unless it was a journey through it with experiences in detail but even then I wanted to add more. So I just brainstormed, and that's what writing is about. The story you read was brainstormed and put into words from a general idea. For example the whole mutant thing I brainstormed the idea of putting in mutant like creatures to help spice things up but that were originally human. And from there on just one word I expanded off so I thank brainstorming for the ideas.

"Is there anything you would change about this book?"

Surprisingly no, this book played out in pretty much the hand I wanted to go. Mainly because I didn't make a 139 chapter book and keep adding more ideas making the story even more confusing to keep up with and also not having a hundred characters to keep track of... *COUGH* Final Stand *COUGH COUGH*

Oh...sorry I had a bit of a cough. Anyways, next question!

"What do I think could be more fleshed out in the story?"

The history of the mutants.'s still kinda vague and something I need to clear up in the sequel and make a detailed explanation.

The next question I really tried to find the comment...I looked through the chapter on the Final Stand and this book and I COULD NOT FIND IT. But I think I remember the question.

"Why did Goldie say when he and Spring kissed the first time that they were getting better when he was dating, mangle?"

I think that was the general idea of the question...if you asked the question please tell me because I really REALLY tried to find your comment. Um but the answer to this would be that Goldie had never kissed a guy yet, so he didn't really know how to go about it. He's kissed mangle before but he isn't experienced at it. It also involves confidence because Goldie wasn't very confident in the beginning when they kissed...though I don't think I make that known...anyways if you typed this question please tell me if I said it write or got the general idea of it?

Opposites (Golden Freddy X Springtrap)- Book 1 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now