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AN // Again, I live in Europe, we have a way other lifestyle, i don't promote drinking or anything 

TRIGGER WARNING this chapter contains graphic depiction and description of Sexual Assault. If this may be harmful for you to read, I highly suggest not continuing this story.

Meredith was now 15 years old, she went out a lot, she drank and made fun, to forget all her troubles. Her mother wasn't home much and she felt lonely. One night, Meredith went into town with her friend Matt.

Meredith was so drunk and Matt and Meredith lived in the same neighbourhood. She asked him to walk home with her. He claimed to be so drunk but little did she know that he wasn't.

"I feel like I'm going to vomit" Meredith said as they approached her house

"You won't, do you want me to bring you inside?"

"Only if you don't mind"

"Of course not, Meri"

They walked into the house and Meredith went to the bathroom, she started to change her clothes when Matt came in

"Matt, I..I'm not done yet"

"Let me help you Meri"

"I.. I.. euhm.. okay?"

"You're so beautiful" Matt said when he started touching her breasts


"Shht Meri, let's have some fun" Matt said, now slipping of her bra

Meredith didn't know if she wanted to do this but she let it happen. She was frozen, she didn't know what to do. This was one of her closest friends, he wouldn't want to hurt her. He undressed himself and started to touch her everywhere

"Matt.. I.. I don't want this" Meredith whispered

"Shht Meri, this is gonna be fun"

"No!" She yelled and tried to pull away but Matt got angry and frustrated, he went further, he started to touch her, and started to penetrate her. Meredith was sobbing, she closed her eyes. It hurts so much and she was afraid. What could she do?

"Fuck Meri" He yelled several times when he finally came

Meredith turned on her side the moment he stopped. He dressed himself and casually walked out of the house.

Meredith stepped into the shower, she sat there for over an hour, crying in silence. She felt dirty, betrayed, again.. Her mother didn't care about her, her best friend just raped her and her father.. well he still showed up from time to time when he was drunk

She got up, and went to bed. She pressed play on one of her favorite podcasts.

4-5 weeks later she hadn't told anyone about it. She had no idea what to tell. She felt responsible because she was drunk, maybe it's all been her fault she thought. She ignored every emotion she felt and just got through the day. Crying at night and faking a smile at day. She still hadn't got her period and she got scared, what if i'm pregnant.. I can't raise a kid..

She decided to go buy a pregnancy test after school. She went to a pharmacy on the other side of the city so no one would recognize her. She bought it and went home but her mother was home so she decided to wait a little longer, the only thing she could think about what if she was pregnant

"Meredith, I need to go to work" Ellis said before walking out

This was her chance, she ran up to the bathroom, peed on the test and waited until the test showed the results


"Of course" She sighed when she started crying

Meredith had no idea what she was going to do.. 

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