
Draco asked Astoria to the ball for me. I dislike her but I didn't really feel like asking Anthea, I just felt that she wouldn't want to go with me. We're not really on good terms, to be honest, I quite like it when she's angry with me, makes our 'relationship' more interesting.

I arrived in astronomy with Draco. Our teacher wasn't there and we sat in the corner far away from the class.

We saw Zabini looking at a letter from Bella (I peeked over and saw). I didn't read the rest but I knew that she wouldn't be coming back after what we did to her. She transferred the day after, pathetic really.

Then Clover came in with Morton, that - prick. I hate being jealous but them two really bring it out. Clover seemed pretty jealous of Astoria with me.

I waved at her. Draco kind of likes her now or something. I don't know.

Our teacher wasn't there because she was having a meeting with other teachers so that made things more interesting.

I walked over to sit by Clover and Astoria started making stupid comments about her and her friends, I just went along with it.

She snapped at us then eventually got her wand out. McGonagall came in exactly when she was about to cast a spell at Greengrass, I was pretty excited, to be honest. Clover got told off, her wand was taken of her. I felt like making her a bit jealous too and Astoria went along with it because she enjoys attention, even if it's forced.

Then we left the class and went down to the Hogwarts grounds, just below the astronomy tower. Pansy had smuggled some muggle herb with her and was sharing it with everyone. I was just enjoying the view. Greengrass kept playing with my hair for the most part which was terribly unenjoyable.

I looked up at the astronomy tower, Morton, Zabini and Clover were up there staring over the view. She looked at me then I believe she was talking to her friends about me, I couldn't really hear from how far away I was.

Next, we went to our next lesson, nothing exciting really happened. I talked to Snape at break, I don't visit him as much as before but he still helps me with anything I need.

He told me about a special stone, if me and Clover both wear this stone or have it on us at the same time we can tell me when the other is in danger. Clover doesn't know about the connection so it may be less powerful to her (the feeling I mean). I found a necklace in this shop in Hogsmeade last weekend, it's really beautiful and I thought that it would suit her very well. I decided that it would be a good birthday present so I bought it, it was made of the stone that Snape told me about so that's a plus. I also got myself a bracelet that has the stone threaded onto it.

After class today, Astoria was bugging me to get her a dress and I went with her to find one in this dress shop in Hogsmeade. I waited at the side of the shop for ages as she tried what felt like a million dresses, I really wanted to leave but remembered that she was my date so it would've been pretty rude if I just left.

I bought her this red dress that she was very excited about then we left the shop and walked back to school. I saw Clover on the way back into the school with Morton and Montgomery, she was kind of third-wheeling which made Astoria begin with her usual crude remarks. I could tell Anthea was getting angry so stood by her. She shouted at me and called me 'bipolar', which really got me worked up.

I told her that if she danced with me at the ball then I wouldn't punish her, to be honest, I had a lot in mind for the punishing scenario then remembered that I wanted to keep away from sexual things so I was quite glad when she said that she'd dance with me.

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