It somehow really made her feel stronger,it gave her motivation and it was special because innie gave to her.

Jieun was thankful to have him as a friend.

Today is New Year's Eve and Jieun had hope that the next year will get better.

So she wouldn't have to worry about everything anymore but she knew that just because this year has passed her worries wouldn't just disappear like that.

But still the new year always gave her new motivation to do better.
She always went with her parents and chaeyoung on one of the hills.

They would watch the firework from there and Jieun would fall asleep on her sisters shoulder while watching the fireworks her father would pick her up and they'd go back home.

But all that is past.
Jieun smiled at the memories,
she wished she had the opportunity to see her sister again.

Sadly Jeongin and Seungmin were busy the whole day and they only visited Jieun in the morning and gave her some snacks for the rest of the day.

Even on new year they had a mission they will still celebrate tho.
But they told Jieun in advance that they still have to stay with the members the whole time.

Jieun sat on her mattress one hour left until new year.
She could already hear some of the fireworks.

"At least I can eat this snacks."
She mumbled and stuffed some of the chocolate in her mouth.

Minute after minute passed and jieun just thought about sh*t again-too much.
She suddenly felt like the air was suddenly sticky and she just wanted to get out.

She needed fresh air.

Jieun glanced over to the clock,
3 minutes left until new year.
The girl sighed as she watched some of the fireworks.

"So pretty."She breathed as she saw a firework in heart form.

Suddenly the door opened and Jieun slightly jumped.
She turned around to see the person that entered.


Jieun was definitely surprised as he stood in front of her,dressed in a suit looking even better than normally if that's even possible.

"Let's go!We are almost late."

Before Jieun could say anything bangchan grabbed her arm dragging her with him.

They hurriedly went up the stairs into his room,Jieun was extremely confused.

Bangchan gestured her to follow him on the balcony and she slowly approached him.

He gave her a drink and put his hand around her waist,then pulled her closer which surprised her even more and she felt her cheeks heating up a bit.

'Why are we so close?'

Bangchan took a look at his watch and then started counting.






Jieun didn't really know what to think.Why did he want to spend this moment with her and not the members.She wasn't even dressed nice like him,everything was overwhelming.






"Cheers."he said and Jieun just smiled as they cheered on the new year.

The girl was happy but then he did something unexpected.

"Bang-"Jieun was cut of as the leader suddenly pulled her closer,leaving no space between their body as he closed the gap between their lips.

Jieun widened her eyes,she didn't what to do,her body just froze.
But soon she kissed back.

The kiss was gentle and romantic.
Jieun was glad that this was her first kiss.

Bangchan pulled away from the kiss,both were gasping for air,
the leader saw that Jieun wanted to say something so he stopped her.

"Don't say anything just enjoy the moment."He whispered as put his chin on top of Jieuns head,they just stayed like that enjoying the moment which seemed too perfect.


You don't know how long I wanted to write this chapter

And thanks so much for over 1k reads like ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Yeah anyways thx for reading sry for any mistakes.  ;)


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