4. Graveyard

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After class...

"Do we really need to do this shel? I mean isn't it a bad idea visiting her grave after she showed up on our dream?" Abby scarily said

"You know what Abby you can back out but I'm heading there, I'm tired of being a scaredy cat my entire life" I said firmly

" If you'll go so do I" she said with doubts in her voice

"Here it is, her grave" Abby said after minutes of finding Aolola's grave

"So what are we gonna do now?" She asked confused

" I brought candles were gonna try to call her soul" I said over confidently

"Are you sure about this?... I mean we're on the middle of the graveyard?" Abby's voice is now shaking

"It's now or never Abby" I lit up the candle and sit beside Aolola's grave and repeatedly said the words "Aolola I know you could hear us if you're here can you blow the candle?''

A little after that the wind started feeling so cold and the wind started blowing harshly

"Uhm I'm scared Shelley it's starting to feel very spooky" Abby yelled

A little longer the candle light was blown off but lit up again after a second

" So your here?" Abby's voice changed and her looks can already kill a person.

"Abby?" I said with so many questions running inside my head

Before I could stand on my knees and run she hit me with a baseball bat in the head...

My sight started fading out but I could hear her last words vividly

"Sleep well little rabbit"

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