1: Mad

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Wiiii!!! Wiii!!! Wiii!!! The sound of the police's sirens

It was 2 am in the morning who the heck is doing something bad at this hour...

I mean... Beside the devil, who would? but nevermind the humanity this days is far more scarier than Satan.

I snapped back into reality after realizing what the fuck am I doing outside 7/11, All I could remember was going to bed at 9

It scared me a little knowing I've been hella forgetful this past few months it started when...

October 17 2008

It was Kaleel's birthday celebration on a famous bar here in Makati to be honest I am not attending this stupid celebration if it wasn't for my best friend's Aulola's dare

Sometimes it got me thinking what makes me befriend something wild like her, she was a party girl, she gate crashed most of the parties that she wasn't even invited by those stupid famous personalities at school

"Aulola I'm going to the bathroom to freshen myself up I'm getting kinda dizzy right now'' I whispered on her ear

"Go on, I'll wait here for you" she whispered back, I almost puke myself because I can rawly smell the liquor she was drinking


As I was staring myself at the mirror my sight started blurring out, all I could hear was people laughing at me while I am getting a grip at the corner of the cubicle next to me.

the next thing I could remember is that I was driven to the hospital by some policemen shookt after knowing that the bar was burned onto the ground and the only survivor was me...


"Hey girl, are you daydreaming of something? You seem drowning you know" Abigail asked me, I look onto my untouched food and sighed

" It's nothing I'm just thinking about a lot of things lately"

"Is it about Aulola? And that accident months ago? Everybody had moved on girl it was proven as an accident" Abigail told me worriedly

"Its just that I am experiencing things lately that I couldn't even explain! I think I am crazy!" I said on a low tone then face palmed

" You know what I've heard about a famous psychiatrist here in town, why not try attending some sessions?" She explained

"Ok, I'll give it a go this Saturday" I sighed

"Here take this" she handed me a small white bottle

"Uhm Abby, what is this?" I confusedly asked

"That's a sleeping pill, just drink one if you can't sleep, trust me it helped me a loooot!" She said while smiling

" I can't thank you enough Abby so let's go the class is about to start soon" I said smiling

She tapped my back and told me " you weren't mad stop thinking about being one I think you're still mourning for Aulola's lost so let's go"

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