They both leaned for a moment sticking their arms out trying not to fall but stuck their landing. Fireworks shot from around the pitch. The crowd absolutely erupted again and they rode their brooms like surf boards before dropping down and sitting normally.

The rest of the team rounded the pitch.

"Who are they?" Harry shouted.

All smiled glancing at each other and Harry knew he was missing something. It slowly started to hit him.

Just then Ginny and Cordelia met at the middle again high-fiving again. The big lights shined on them and a section of the stands turned into a screen type display showing Ginny and Cordelia laughing about waving their hands in the air. Ginny's bright red hair was in a high slick back ponytail and Cordelia of course had braids in.

The crowd began chanting their last names.
The family screamed and whistled. Harry's jaw fell wide open in pure shock. Ron shoved him.

"We told you she'd be coming up soon!" Ron chuckled. Harry grinned wide at the sight of Cordelia live and well playing quidditch! Professionally!

"You never told me she was a professional quidditch player!" Harry watched as the match began.


Four long, painful hours later...the Holyhead Harpies won their first match of the long tournament. They didn't catch the stitch, but were so high up in points, they won.

Both Ginny and Cordelia were the top scorers. Ginny scored 80 points, Cordelia: 100, the third chaser scored 40. The other teams chasers only scored 60 points throughout the entire match.

Ginny just kept taking the ball and passing it to Cordelia. Their keeper is also pretty bloody great for not letting the other teams score hardly any.

After the match, it took the big ass truck load of a family nearly an hour to reach Cordelia and Ginny's tent. They weaved in and out of the crowd struggling to not lose anyone in the trip.

They finally reached their tent and they all just trudged in whooping and shouting happily. Cordelia shut off the radio that played Mötley Crüe, Kickstart my heart. They had changed into their pjs.

Ginny wore a matching set of silk purple pajamas. Cordelia had sweat pants on, sports bra and one of Harry's flannels on over it. They crowded around them showering them with hugs and kisses.

"We have someone you'd probably liked to see.." Daphne grinned. Cordelia furrowed her eyebrows confused still smiling in pure joy.

"Who? Oh! Is it Tommy Lee? Because I really love listening to his music-" Cordelias sentence trailed off as she watched Harry emerge from the small crowd.

Cordelias face dropped and looked at everyone who seemed to be on the verge of tears. Cordelia turned to Ginny who also seemed just as confused. Cordelia was inaudible having not a clue what to think, say of feel in moment.

Her eyes had to be lying to her since Harry Potter literally stood in front of her. Alive. Her mind had totally went black and forgot where she was in the moment. Forgot her name even.

She locked eyes onto his again and her pounded and felt almost sick at the sight. Emotions flowed through her body.

"T-this isn't funny guys.." Cordelia shook her head walking up to Harry hesitantly.

"I mean it..if this is some sort of sick prank of yours George, I'll seriously hurt you.." Cordelia lowly said half jokingly. George chuckled putting his hands in the air in defense.

"I see you're wearing one of my flannels." Harry finally said. Cordelia froze at the sounds of his voice. Cordelia slapped her hand to her mouth letting out a quiet sob realizing Harry stood in front of her alive.

Cordelia jumped into his arms wrapping her arms around him clinging on tightly never wanting to ever let go. He slightly picked her up from the ground holding her tight as tears of pure happiness streamed down her face.

Her head sunk into the crook of his neck as well as his.

Everyone watched holding their partners enjoying the moment of them reuniting after being separated for over a year. She jumped down from his arms and felts his face frantically and scuffed up his hair.

"Oh my god..oh my god..oh my god.." she repeated.

"I thought you were dead!" She exclaimed.

"I thought you were!" Harry replied. The two stared at each other as she cried and few tears fell from his eyes.

"I think we should give them some time alone...after so long." Ginny said. The rest agreed and left them as they just stared into each other's eyes not wanting to look away.

"How long have you been here?" She fretted.

"All day."

"How did you know I was here?" Cordelia cried.

"I didn't! I bumped into Hermione and Ron at a food stand- I- I don't know how that just happened to happen but it did." Harry stammered before pulling her into another hug again.

"Did they tell you about everything? About Draco.." Cordelia pulled away again looking into his bright green eyes. Harry nodded.

"Yeah...a lot happened in a year while I was gone." Harry replied. Cordelia nodded.

"Why did you leave?" Cordelias voice broke.

"It sounds tacky but- I honestly didn't think I had a reason since I thought you were dead..Lucius told me you were when he was Draco.." Harry replied.

Cordelias heart shattered into a million pieces.

"Don't ever do it again." Cordelia warned. Harry gulped and nodded vigorously.

"I promise I won't.."

Without warning Cordelia crashing her lips onto his pulling him closer. She stood on his feet up on her tiptoes with her arms wrapped around his neck. His hands pulled in her waist pushing his lips against hers deeply.

She pulled away again and pressed their foreheads together keeping her eyes shut.


Harry whispered.

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