chpt. 48

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     May 5, 1999

Ron proposed to Hermione.

The wedding is in August and things are just getting and better over in London. Ginny and Luna found a sperm donor so they can have a baby. Luna is carrying the baby.

Edith and Hugh reopened Borgin and Burke's and renamed it, 'Burke's flowers.' After remodeling it and turning it into a flower shop. They make pretty good profit and Cordelia is stilling cashing in lots of money from inheriting from Draco.

It's been over a year since his death and it put Narcissa in a dark place for a while again but is recovering again slowly. Cordelia and Ginny are more than excited since the quidditch cup is coming up soon and are suspected to win after being undefeated.

They get paid extremely well too and autographing little girls pictures of them at games. Cordelia has grown out her hair and is lighter than usual now.

It's still dark but is more of a medium/dark brown color now. It's long and wavy and she gained back all the weight she had lost due to depression and addiction.

No more eye bags, no more gray skin and her eyes sometimes seem even brighter. She sometimes finds herself flirting with boys at her games or when afterwards. She never actually talks to them long enough to call it a relationship.

Cordelia doesn't even think she'll ever be able to move on from Harry.

Cordelia visits her parents daily to check in on them and Narcissa has met a muggle named Spencer Bennet. He hasn't quite figured out about her past or magical abilities but he will. Someday.

George and Angelina have recently announced that they'll be adopting a baby soon from Scotland. The parents thought the baby was the son of satan for being able to do things with his mind but George and Angelina both figured that child is most definitely a muggle-born along with the rest of the wizarding community.


June 23, 1999


Ginny screamed in Cordelias face when she came through the door. Cordelia flinched at her loud screech.

Today was Cordelia's 20th birthday and went back home to wind down but instead all of her friends jumped out with party hats and blow horns blowing them loud.

Cordelia laughed at the surprise and looked around at everyone. Soon enough the party started and the music kick started. People drank but Cordelia wouldn't touch a single drop of alcohol.

The party played out nicely, she got quite a few cards and only a few gifts since she didn't ask for much. Everyone made it home safely and no one ended up getting hurt.

After everyone left Cordelia took the time to cry thinking about Harry and how he should still be here. She watched titanic, which she should've but she did since she stole it from Hermione after recently purchasing a tv. She sobbed like hell trying not to choke on her strawberry ice cream as she watched the film.

Meanwhile, 4781 miles away Harry baked a cake out of boredom for Cordelias birthday and sat it on the center of the table and stared at it while he had a party hat on.

Harry sighed thinking about her. He swatted away a tear before standing up and grabbing the waste bin where he slid the cake into the can and tore off his party hot throwing it in as well.

"This is pathetic."


    August 15, 1999

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