chpt. 49

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The three returned to their seats and everyone was just absolutely shocked. Molly Weasley thought she died and Arthur had to remind her everything that is happening is real. He got multiple lectures from everyone to his disappearance, which he suspected.

He chatted with everyone catching up to speed but the only person he wanted to see, was Cordelia. Harry ended up meeting Cordelias parents finally and realized how much alike she is with her mother. They look almost the same and talk the same.

Harry remembers them in the psyche ward and now heard it recognizable since they look so much better and healthier.

They both had the number fourteen face painted on their cheeks. Harry doesn't know that both Ginny and Cordelia are both professional quidditch players. Everyone who attended the match subconsciously agreed to y'know, surprise him.

Pretty much just to seek minor revenge from his sudden disappearance. He knows they're rooting for the Holyhead Harpies by the colors they're all wearing.

"You said she'd be back from the bathroom ages ago!" Harry shouted at Hermione over the massive crowd. They stood at the top of the stadium towering over the ground.

"She'll be here eventually!" Hermione answered. The rest of the group all sat in their seats behind them in rows that elevated.

"And where is Ginny! All the other Weasleys are here!" Harry said looking around but still keeping grip on the railing.

"She's with Cordelia as well!" Hermione answered. Harry looked around impatiently just wanting to see her after ages. Hermione's technically wasn't lying, Ginny and her are together right now.

Loud trumpets began to play as the American team came soaring into the massive pitch. The crowd cheered clapped and whooped. However, where they sat, the crowd was silent and they could hear George booing.

Fireworks blew up in the air and fell to the ground.

The trumpets and band came to a stop once the American team came to a stop to their entrance. All the Holyhead Harpies fan rose to their feet rushing to the railings excited.

The band kickstarted again louder as Cordelias team came from opposite ends of the quidditch pitch soaring in. The crowd erupted once more. Hermione and Ron clapped loudly screaming and cheering.

"When is she going to be here!"

"Here she comes.." Pansy replied clapping loudly.

Both Hugh and Arthur whistled with their fingers and Edith and Molly stood on edge nervously.

"I hope they don't do the thing!" Edith shouted.

"When don't they ever do it!" Molly replied.

Everyone jumped and cheered and Harry couldn't quite figure out why everyone grew so fond quidditch while he was gone.

He watched as flashes of green yellow and white flew across the pitch. Both Ginny and Cordelia maneuvered themselves and began to stand from their brooms. Harry squinted trying too see what the fuck was happening.

With Ginny and Cordelia coming from opposite ends of the pitch, they like to do a trick before each match. When they enter the pitch at opposite ends, they jump onto each others brooms when they meet at the middle.

They both stood steady on their brooms gently bending their knees trying to keep balance. They kept their brooms speeding at an alarming rate. They saw each other growing bigger and bigger in their vision and right before they met in the middle the both of them leaped on one another's brooms landing.

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