"Don't worry about it honey. Go take care of your wife. I can handle Autumn." She says setting her bag on the table. "Thanks. She just has never passed out while she was pregnant and I just want to make sure that she is okay." I say putting my shoes on and then get some shoes on my wife. "Be safe driving honey." She says as I pick my wife up gently and make my way to the door. "I will. Daddy and mommy will be back shortly princess. Grandma is going to stay with you." I say as Autumn watches us and smiles seeing her grandma. I leave and put my wife in the car and then get in and drive to the doctors. "How are you feeling love?" I ask driving and focus on the road. "I'm still dizzy." She says looking over at me. "I'm sorry love." I say as we arrive at the doctors and park then get out and take her inside and sign her in then wait. A few moments later we get called back and I walk back to the room while helping my wife. "Hello you two. What seems to be the problem?" Her doctor asks coming in once we were in the room. "Well for starters morning sickness has started up again. And what's new is I am feeling dizzy and I passed out on the kitchen floor this morning." My wife says getting straight to the point. 

"Okay. How were you feeling last night?" Her doctor asks writing down her symptoms. "I felt fine last night. This morning I was up with morning sickness and then I drank some tea which seemed to have helped with my sickness." She says sitting on the bed. "Okay have you eaten anything since you woke up?" She asks. "Nope. Food didn't sound like a good idea to me." She says looking at her lap. "Okay there are several things that could be causing you to faint." Her doctor says. "Okay." She says nodding. "First thing could be you haven't eaten anything over the last few hours so that could be the cause of it. Another one could be your sodium level could be low from not eating. Or three you could have a drop in blood pressure. I'm hopping that its because you haven't eaten anything in the past few hours and not the last one. If it is however I'm worried that you might have a miscarriage and that's something I don't want you to experience." Her doctor says writing down everything. "Okay." My wife says looking down. I gently grab her hand and squeeze it softly reassuring her. "If her fainting continues call me right away and I'll get her a prescription." She says looking up at her. "Do you wear contacts or glasses at all?" She asks her. "I wear both. Not at the same time though." She says looking up. 

"Okay. You also said that you get headaches to the point where you feel like there's an elephant sitting on you?" She adds. "Yeah but we found out that that was due to my allergies." She says. "Okay. Try wearing your glasses more often and keep taking the allergy medication you were taking. And keep taking your prenatal vitamins." Her doctor adds. "I will. Thank you." She says nodding. I help her down and hold her up against me as we walk out with her doctor and then head home. "Alright lets get you into the car and home so you can eat." I say helping her in the car. "Fine by me." She say sitting. I get in and drive back home slightly worried but relieved that she is alright. I arrive home and park then get out and help her inside and see my mom and my daughter playing. "Hi guys. So did you find out what was wrong?" My mom asks. "So it could be a factor of things which I will tell you in a moment after I give Hadaza some food." I say looking setting my wife at the kitchen table and make food for her then let her eat and tell my mom what her doctor thinks it could be. "Aww honey. Do you want me to stay a bit longer to see if its just because she hasn't eaten anything today?" She asks me. "Its up to you mom I mean Autumn enjoys seeing you and we appreciate the help." I say smiling. 

"I think I'll be heading out. I need to do some food shopping for this coming week." She says smiling and sets Autumn down and lets her run around. "Okay. Thank you for babysitting mom. This really helped us." I say hugging her gently towering over her. "Oh please James don't worry about it. Okay Autumn Nan is going home. She'll see you soon." My mom says stopping autumn. "Can you say bye nan?" I say smiling. Autumn runs to her and hugs her and then waves. "Bye mom. Drive say okay." I say kissing her head. "I will." She says smiling and grabs her bag and leaves. I smile watching her and go check on my wife. "Hey love you feeling any better?" I ask seeing her. "Yeah I am." She says smiling and bouncing Autumn gently on her lap. "Do you think it was because you didn't eat anything?" I say placing my hand on her shoulder. "Yeah. That and when I get super stressed it happens." She says looking up at me. "What are stressed about love?" I ask her sitting next her. "Everything." She says shrugging letting Autumn play with her hand. "Your worried about the baby aren't you?" I ask looking at her. She just nod and looks down at Autumn. "Love don't be worried about the baby. He or she will be happy and healthy just like Autumn." I say kissing her head. "Okay." She says nodding. I smile and wrap my arm around her shoulder gently and watch Autumn play with my wives hands. "How bout if you two head upstairs and get comfortable and I'll be upstairs shortly to have a cuddle party." I say looking at them. "That sounds like fun. Lets go princess." My wife says standing up with Autumn on her hip and heads upstairs with her while I clean up. I finish and make my way upstairs and into my room and see my wife laying on the bed with Autumn crawling all over her but stops seeing me and smiles. "Hi princess." I say taking my shoes off then crawling onto the bed with them and wrap my arms around them smiling. Autumn smiles and plays with my shirt and laying on my wives chest gently. I smile watching her and stroke her hair gently and look at her taking in her features and see she looks like me but looks like my wife as well. 

Autumn continues to play with my shirt but slowly starts to fall asleep. "I think she's down for her nap now. Do you want to let her sleep here or do you want her to go in her crib love?" I ask stroking her hair softly. "Mmmm lets let her sleep here." My wife says gently laying her in between us and rub her back softly. I smile and lay on my side and stroke her hair softly and look over at my wife who had her eyes closed and was rubbing Autumn's back softly. "Love?" I ask leaning over and kiss her head. "Hmmmmm?" She asks softly and looks up at me. "I love you." I say looking at her. "I love you. We need to talk." She says looking at me. "What do we need to talk about?" I ask stroking her cheek softly. "Since we are getting ready to have another baby we need to find out what to do with the nursery. Do we put Autumn in her own room or keep her in the same room?" She asks. "That's a good question. I think we can keep Autumn in the nursery for now because our new baby will be sleeping in our room for the first four months. If anything we can get another crib for the baby to sleep in." I say looking at her. "Okay." She says nodding and closes her eyes again. "Rest love." I say smiling and watch her fall asleep. "My two beautiful girls." I say softly and smile watching them and hold them gently. 

A few hours go by and I am woken up by tiny hands on my face. "Hi princess did you have a good nap?" I ask her opening my eyes and hold her in my arms yawning. "Dadda." She says smiling and holds my face like I do with my wife causing me to laugh softly. "Yes princess. Should we wake up mommy or let her sleep?" I ask her. "Momma." Autumn says happily and squrims in my grip wanting to wake up her mother. "We will do it together. Okay?" I say smiling and lean over with Autumn. "MOMMA!!" My daughter says jumping on my wives chest causing her to groan. "Owwwww!!" She says waking up and grabs our daughter. "Was this daddy's idea?" She asks lookin over at me. "It was my idea to wake her up. I didn't know that she was going to do that." I say grabbing Autumn gently. "That really hurt." She says sitting up and rubs her chest. "I'm sorry. That was my fault love." I say watching her. "Your forgiven." She says standing up and grabbing her glasses and heads to the bathroom and shuts the door. "Okay princess we need to have a talk." I say sitting up and setting her on my lap. Autumn sits and looks at me playing with my hands. "Now when I said we could wake mom up I didn't mean that you can jump on her. She's having another baby. So your going to have a brother or sister." I say looking down at her as my wife comes out of the bathroom. "She's got some strength to her. She gave me a nice bruise." My wife says sitting down again. "Oh my she did." I say seeing a small bruise on her chest. "Thanks for that baby girl." She says shaking her head and laughs slightly. "I take full responsibility for that." I say looking at her and kiss her holding autumn on my lap still. "I forgive you." She says smiling and kisses me back.  "I love you two girls so much." I say pulling away and look at my wife and daughter. "And we love you to daddy." My wife says smiling and looks at me.  Autumn smiles up at me happily and giggles still playing with my hand and my wedding ring.  "She's fascinated with our rings for some reason." My wife says watching her. "I have no idea why she likes them." I say looking at her. "You like daddy's ring or do you like mommy's ring baby girl?" I ask her. Autumn takes her mothers hand and looks at the ring and play with both of them. "Guess she likes both of our rings." I say smiling and watching her play with our rings on our fingers. "Yeah. Hey princess want to go and play with your toys?" My wife asks. Autumn nods and bounces happily. "Alright downstairs we go." l say standing up with Autumn in my arms and head downstairs. 

Once we were downstairs we play with Autumn for a bit then go and make lunch/dinner. After dinner we cuddle upstairs and read some stories then get ready for bed and go to sleep. The rest of the night was relaxing and calm. 

(Here's chapter 24. Hope you enjoy. Sorry its short. Will be longer coming up.)

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