Chapter 58//Troye

Start from the beginning

"Troye, lets get out of here." Steele says to me and motions with to the door. He gets up and turns to everyone else in the room. "Troye and I are going to go for a walk we'll be back before dinner time." No one protest so I follow Steele out the door. Steele doesn't say a word to me as he leads me down the sidewalk. I have no idea where he could be taking me. As we get closer I start to think that maybe I know where he's taking me. My suspicion  is confirmed when we stop at the rickety swing set that Steele and I have spent many weekends on as kids. We used to come here every weekend to get away from mom and dad and Sage and Tyde.

"Come here." Steele says and captures me in his arms his head falls to my shoulder and soon I feel wetness on my shoulder. I pull back from Steele and see that he is trying to hide that he was crying. I pull him back into a hug.

"Is this about Yovanna?" I ask after letting go of him. We sit on our swings and Steele wipes his eyes with his long fingers. Steele seems to be thinking about what he want s to say.

"Yeah. I'm just so upset that I never got to tell him how much he means to me. I never got to tell him how much I truly appreciate him. He taught me so much and he was my favorite teacher and I didn't even talk to him for that long when I was at your production. I don't want there to be a new teacher at JMA because Yovanna was the best there ever was. I don't want all those drama kids to go through the pain of having a new teacher while they know why their teacher isn't there anymore." I don't think I've ever seen Steele this upset before. He is the kind of guy that tends to not like to show his emotion very much. I'm glad that he's finally comfortable enough to let his walls down. "I don't want my kid to every have to deal with something like what happened to Will. I don't want homophobia to be a thing. Its fucking ridiculous. I know you've gotten beat up because of your sexuality and that is not okay at all. I don't like that that is a normal thing in this world. You can literally be killed for supporting someone loving someone else. I don't know it-its just not okay." 

I stand up and Steele follows my example we meet in the middle and hug again. I know why Steele talked to me about it. He knows that Yovanna means as much to me as he does to him. I'm the only one that will know exactly what he's talking about. We head back home after talking for a couple more minutes. We talk about some things on the way home mostly about relationships.

"Honestly Troye I believe in your relationship with Tyler more than almost any other relationship I have ever seen.You two have this special thing that can not be described. You'd do anything for each other. The way you react to dreams about bad things happening to Tyler also shows that you two are bulletproof. I can't wait to see you marry him someday, little brother." I give Steele a side hug as we walk up the driveway in the setting sun. I can smell the food as I kick of my shoes and slide my sweater off. I walk into the kitchen to find everyone sitting around the table talking. They are probably waiting for us.

"Did you two have a nice walk?" Mom asks and Steele and I nod our heads as we scan the table to see where our significant others are sitting. I find Tyler next to Tyde with an empty seat on his right. I fill the seat next to Tyler and he leans over to whisper in my ear.

"The amount of sex jokes I've heard in the last hour in unfathomable." I smile apologetically at him then begin filling my plate with more food than a person my size would probably be expected to eat. Dinner is filled with conversation of random things. Mostly catching each other up on what's happened since we were last together. After dinner my family and Tyler call me to the living room so they can give me my birthday presents. Apparently Tyler is taking me on an overnight trip and we are leaving early in the morning.

Every member of the family and Lucy has bought me at least two presents. That's really too much I don't feel like I need all those presents. I hug everyone and tell them thank you before Tyler says that we are getting up early and should probably start getting ready for bed. I follow Tyler into my room with my arms filled with presents. I put my presents away then strip out of my clothes. Tyler watches me strip before he does the same. He's wearing the same boxers he wore the first time we had sex. Tyler curls up in my arms after turning the light off and sliding his glasses off of his face.

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