Chapter 13

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*3rd pov*

Ken awoke in a unfamiliar bedroom. A migraine was pounding his mind to much and he found it hard to think or move. All he remembered was the child dying. Then he saw red. Then... Nothing.

He painfully shifted into a seated position. The light making everything around him blurry, as if he had a massive hangover.

He tried to stand but he fell flat on his face. His legs couldn't support his body weight. Nor could he use his arms to push himself up.

???: I wouldn't push my luck if I were you Elf.

Ken turned to see an unfamiliar girl in dark clothing. Whoever dressed her needed to be shot for being a pedophile, as not only did her dress exposed her breasts, but she has what looked like black electrical tape Xs covering her nipples... And she looked 12 years old to boot...

???: Your idiocy almost cost you your life. What were you thinking? Allowing yourself to use your own life energy to continue fighting. There aren't enough of you to die for stupid reasons. I'll not allow you to cause your people to go extinct, I happen to like you elves.

Ken just grunted, not liking being talked down to by a preteen stripper. Really Ken wanted to find her parents and beat them. Rude and dressed their little girl like that?

(A/n: before you call me out on hypocrisy with Koneko, one she is a few months older than Ken and was in her class, and two she doesn't dress like a princess in an gothic S&M club)

Ken croaked out a sentence, his throat felt like he gargled liquid sandpaper.

Ken: Put some fucking clothes on...

The girl looked confused and looked at what she was wearing as if nothing was wrong. Ken just groaned again and tried to get up, but was failing. He couldn't even get to his knees and crawl.

The girl just stared emotionlessly at him before picking him up with one hand and tossing him back to bed.

Ken just stared at the child trying to rationalize how she did that. Then he remembered that logic and reason no lingered applied. Children with super strength. Sure. Why not?

???: You seem to assume I'm a child. Or human. I assure you, I am not.

Ken studied her closely. She didn't seem demonic... The only inhuman feature on her was her ears... They were pointed like his.

Ken: Another elf... Joy of joys...

The girl had a ghost of a smirk on her otherwise emotionless face while her eyes had a slight twinkle of amusement.

???: Close boy, I have outlived you over 10000 times and am a dragon god. You may call me Ophis.

Ken just deadpan stared at her, glanced at her chest, then at what she was wearing.

Ken: so is this another Astolfo thing? My brother tricked me once with that trap, and I ain't falling for that again.

Ophis looked confused at that so she decided to put her hand on his forehead to read her mind. Then she turned red in embarrassment. She lost her cool.

Ophis: I am not a delusional child!!! I am the Dragon God of the infinite!!!!

Ken: ...Question: don't you mean goddess? Or should I quote Admiral Akbar?

???: Funnily enough, she can be either. Lucky bitch can change her appearance, body type, or even her damn gender at will. But this form is her favorite, for some reason. She won't admit it, but I think she loves trolling people like that.

Nyx walked in and confused Ken with her presence and Ophis with her terminology.

Ophis: Trolling?

Nyx smirked

Nyx: Your a little girl dressed up like a gothic whore, dragon. If they still existed, the FBI would've busted anyone who do much as glanced at you.

Ophis looked at what she's wearing.

Ophis:'s comfortable...

Nyx chuckled.

Nyx: Considering the tape on your nipples, I'm going to call bullshit. Who the fuck even sold you that dress? It has NO covering for the boobs, yet it's sized for a fucking ten year old? Can you at least age yourself up to look 18 so we don't get smited by the ghost of Chris Hanson?

Ophis: ...but I hate having large breasts. They're heavy, and give me sore shoulders...

Nyx: fine do what you want but you are dealing with the FBI, hanson, and all the other loli defenders Ophi.

Ophis shrugged and glanced at the still struggling elf. Even exhausted he still wanted to move. He hated being bedridden.

Ophis: This another Link clone or something. Never seen one of them kill quite like that. It reminded me of those dark things Ganondorf used to make to kill Link.

Nyx crossed her arms.

Nyx: Like I told Zelda, he was and still is highly susceptible to darkness. Japan isn't exactly the best place for orphans, foreigners, or the like. He's the adopted brother of an open and proud pervert who looks either British or American. You might as well hang a sign around his neck saying "bully me". Adults wouldn't help him due to prejudice, most kids hated him because of his brother, and Ken himself KNOWS he was always different. I'm surprised he hasn't snapped long before this.

Ken growled in indignation.

Nyx huffed and slapped him on the back of the head. All that did was make him struggle against his own exhaustion and non working muscles more.

Nyx: From what I've seen it could have been much worse. He could have snapped at school when some idiot bitch called him a pervert when he goes over to the girls locker room to pick up the beaten form of his brother again, or at home when his parents get ANOTHER call from the police asking the same question over complaints from bigoted people. Better be let out his anger on a bunch of mindless pawns of the church. He could kill a thousand of them and nothing of worth would be lost.

Ophis nodded and Ken huffed again wishing he wasn't faced down.

Ophis: What about the others you had me bring?

Nyx: Princess Zelda is still in denial about me and Ganondorf being separate entities, nothing new there. Elves are stubborn you know. The rest are just worried about this idiot's mental state. Had to use what little magic I can conjure just to make sure they sleep. Tomorrow though if he is able, we're all going to break into and loot a mall!


(A/n here I am with another chapter trying to highlight the relationship between Ophis and Nyx. They are old friends that like to mess with one another. And Ken is feeling the after effects of his party at the Vatican. Just to nip this idea in the bud, no Ken will not develop a second dark personality like Naruto and Ichigo. He is still him when he snaps and starts killing, imagine blacking out after your 14 shot of vodka. You still move around and do dumb shit but your not really aware.)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2021 ⏰

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