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i gave Joey plenty of time to write something, it his own fault he didn't. anyway, back to my terrible life.

when i was in the third grade, i thought i was gay. Just kidding. It was 9th grade and bisexual. Her name was Kyra i think. That's what her username said. Her other username was Psych so that could be her name. Up til then, i always believed myself straight, but she changed everything.

I was in a chatroom for bronies. We started talking cause when i first joined a lot of people sent me IMs saying like welcome and shit. She was one of them. We kept talking cause we both were bronies, furries, and we both loved Doctor Who. We would be talking on the main chat with everyone else but also be messaging each other. Of corse after a while, the topic of "who do you like?" came up. i got really nervous. i knew she was bisexual and i thought she might say me.

Anyway, i went first saying i like a couple guys at my school. she went next. She listed a lot of people and tried to slip it in the middle of the list that she liked me. i was really shock and suprised and...


i was so happy and excited she said she liked me. She asked me if i liked her. i didnt know what to say. i told her i've never felt that way about anyone, let alone a girl. she said i could tell her tomorrow. and i did, i told her that i really liked her. we agreed not to date cause she lived in Texas and i live in Indiana. but if someone had asked me out during that time i would have said no. 

it was amazing. we talked everyday and it was wonderful. She was so nice and sweet and adorable.

and i will say it now, yes we RPed, yes it was kinky, and yes it was awesome. and yes we also said "i love you" to each other. i did. and i still do. 

i remember one time i freaked out cause we talked on Kik and i had to make a new account and i couldn't remember her username. i had to track someone down from our old group to find it. 

then one day, she never replied. everyday i see my Kik app and everyday i am reminded of her. the last message i am sure she saw was on 09/012/2014. the last thing we ever said to each other was "i love you."

since i first realized i liked her i have come to the conclusion i'm not bisexual im bi-romantic demi-sexual.

there are two reasons why i have told you this story. one, this is a journal thing so i have to share all the important stuff that happens in my life and me realized i like girls is very important. 

second, maybe for some random reason some girl will read this and this story sounds familiar. maybe Krya is reading this. while we sent each other face pics, i have no actually proof she was real. Kyra could be a made up person someone made to muniplulate people. Or she could be a 16 year old girl from Texas with whom i fell in love with. And maybe cause the fates want to be kind to me for some reason, Krya will read this and know this is Rebecca. If you think i'm the furry you use to send Doge pictures to all the time, message this account the nickname you use to call me...

I'll be waiting Fluffy....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2015 ⏰

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