Chapter Thirty-Nine

Start from the beginning

"We have to do it now," I grinned, pulling out a bottle of rum and two shot glasses before looking back at her. "Up for a pre-game shot?"

"You read my mind."

Once I set everything down on the counter, I poured us each a full shot.

She holds up her glass. "To a fucking incredible season for our Bumble Bees..I mean Cobras!"

"To our Bumble Cobras!" We clinked our glasses together, downing the shots and laughing.

"Hey, how was school this week? Didn't you have your first day on Monday?" Vee asked.

I nodded. "Yeah! It was okay. My teachers are cool, and I haven't talked to too many people in my classes, but that's probably because I always pick a seat in the back of the room."

She chuckled. "I do that too, so don't feel bad. There are some pretty chill people in my classes, but I try and keep to just my inner circle. I've had my fair share of friendship troubles, especially when it comes to girls finding out I'm with "Jesse on the baseball team," She mimicked.

"I have never related to something so much. Oh, the feeling of being used just to get close to my brother or Phoenix. I hear ya, girl. That's why I never had friends outside the ones I grew up with all my life. They were the only ones I could ever trust."

"Yes, exactly! One time a girl I was friends with for a short time came to a party we were throwing. She was always nice to me and hung out with Jesse and I a lot. I didn't really think anything was weird or had bad vibes from her at the time but during that party Jesse and I headed to our room with the full intention to have him blow my back out," She smirked as I began to crack up at her words. "But that thought quickly vanished once we saw her stretched out naked in our bed waiting there wide awake."

My eyes widened. "What?!"

"Mhm, she was butt naked, sitting there with a smirk that I nearly beat off her face because I was not okay in that moment." 

"Why the hell was she there?"

Vee let out a short laugh. "Well...she proceeded to try and persuade us to have Jesse fuck her as I watched them. I was slightly drunk at that point but I wasn't a complete idiot."

"Oh hell no, uh ah, that's messed up. Was she completely insane?" My face twisted in shock and disgust.

"The bitch had to be. I get that some people are into that, but not me. Hell no. My man is mine only, and I don't share with anyone."

I nodded, leaning against the counter. "So what did you do when she said that?"

A subtle smile appeared on her face. "I picked up the nearest thing to me, which happened to be one of my Crocs, and chucked it at her face before screaming what probably sounded like some crazy words and curses at her. She flew out of that bed with the sheet wrapped around her, gathering her clothes up like it was life or death...which probably felt like it, honestly. Jesse had to hold me back, so I didn't beat her with the other Croc of mine."

"Holy shit," I started to laugh. "Did you ever see her again?"

She shook her head. "Nope, and to this day, she still has our damn bed sheet."

"That's probably for the best," I softly chuckled.

"True...but that is one of the reasons I don't invite too many new people into my life. Some girls you just can't trust."

I walked around, sitting on the stool next to her. "Speaking of girls you can't trust...have you met Amber yet?"

Her brows knitted together. "The one Sam's been talking to?"

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