"On the count of 3! 1...2...3!"

At the the same time both of them yelled.


A set of laughs and snorts came form the two 10 year olds. A gentle smile washed upon Phil's face. Wilbur kind of laughing too. Techno smiling.

They really enjoyed everyone's company.

Heading outside, it was a fairly humid day so Tommy and Tubbo brought a umbrella just in case it did rain.

Tommy had no clue on to were to go. He was thinking maybe the forest.

"Tommy I know where to go!"


"It's a surprise silly!"

Tubbo grabbed the blondes hand and started to run towards the place. Not realizing it the two young boys are forgetting something, but that doesn't matter.

Still running Tubbo knew they were maybe little over half way their. Tommy didn't know that so he started to complain.

"Tubbo where are we going? It's taking forever."

"Not to long Tommy!"

They continued to run until Tubbo was slightly tired from it and started to walk their.

Tommy could see a colorful field up ahead. Like rows on rows of colorful things. As they got closer to it, Tubbo could feel Tommy getting curious on to where they are.

This made the brunette start running again. Catching the blonde off guard, he almost face planted.

"We're here!"

Looking around the blonde was kind of taking a back by the colors. From when they were inning in the colors were a vibrant as to know.

It was pretty to the blonde.

"How did you find this place?"

"I dont know, I just remember being here and the way."

The flowers were super vibrant with colors. A mix of oranges, pinks, blues, whites, and yellows. It was a sight to see.

The two boys started to walk to the middle of the flower field and sat down.

"What do we do now?"

"We make flower crowns Tommy! I make on for you and you make on for me!"

Tommy didn't know how to make a flower crown.

"I dont know how to make one."

"I can show you."

Tubbo got up and went to go pick some flower for them to make maybe at least 5 each.

Coming back Tubbo had lots of flowers with him. Like a bunch.

The brunette laid them down in front of Tommy and sat down. Grabbing maybe 10 flowers he began to show Tommy how to make a flower crown.

Some time went by and Tommy got the hang of making one. Each boy maybe had at least 10 flower crowns each. There were a lot.

"Tommy look I made a flower bracelet!"

"That's so cool, Tubbs! I want to try!"

Tommy began to start on a bracelet. Almost half way done he felt a rain drop hit his head.

The blonde looked up and say the clouds turning a light and dark gray shade.

"Hey Tubbo. I think we need to start heading back. Look up."

So as Tommy said Tubbo looked up and multiple rain drops hit his face.

Rain started to slowly fall and began to rain harder.

"Yeah your right. We need to head back, where is the umbrella?"

Tommy looked around him remembering that he grabbed it and walked out the house with it because Phil told them it might rain.

He didn't see it.

"Uhh Tubbo I think I might of left it at the house."

The blonde looked up and meet eyes with Tubbo. Locking eye contact the both knew what to do.

In a hurry they both grabbed a flower crown and ran for it.

The rain started to pour harder and faster. Both of the boys laughing.

"Hey Tubbs! How bout we race!"

"Your on!"

So the two young boys started to run as fast as they could to their house. Not stopping Tommy was taking the lead in the race.

As they approached the house, Phil could hear the two boys laughing outside. This brought a smile to his face.

Busting into the door was Tommy and Tubbo drenched in rain, and Tommy celebrating his win on the race.

The day came to an end with Phil tucking in Tommy and Tubbo and closing the door behind him.

Al in all today was a good day.


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