How you met/reunite (Boys)

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You followed a (F/C) Tim to a strange looking theater, when you got inside you took a look around and saw some posters.

you then noticed a strange looking figure talking to a blonde boy. Before the man could get started with the show, the boy looked at your cuts as his eyes widen

"Is something wrong little o-" the Man said until he saw you. Balan may be positive, humorous, graceful, etc. but he NEVER takes abuse lightly "What happened?" he asked. you explained what happened.

"If that's the case..." he said "Why don't you stay until you recover?". you nodded wanting any kind of shelter than your step-mom's. of course Leo helped too


You were seen trying to get over all the rumors being heard about you. Someone then slowly crept up and tried to possess you with your negativity.

You turned to look at him and he stopped. Things turned silent, luckily the strange being broke the silence. "I can explain, I'm your......" he said, trying to come up with a lie "whatever it was, I don't mind" you said "I just need some company".

The boy felt bad and decided to stay by your side "I'm (Y/N), you are....?" "Lance"


You were seen in the Isle of Tims talking with Emma. you get along well. however a familiar voice came up

"(Y/N)?" you looked to see Leo who just came in. "Oh..... hey Leo" you said, smiling. "You know him/her/them Leo?" Balan asked. "It's..... a long story...." Leo said, frowning

The two of you caught up on things, and Emma starts to ship the two of you


You were seen chasing a bunny to a farm, a man took notice of the little thing and picks it up. "I'm sorry sir" you apoligized. "He ran off from the shop I work at and...." "it's okay" he replied

While the bunny munches on some carrots, the two of you started talking and got to know each other.

"I gotta get going" you said "I have some work to do". "well it was  nice knowing you (Y/N) Jose said as the two of you get to work

Haoyu Chang

You were seen adjusting your telescope to see the stars, until you heard a crash, you the check to see if the kids were okay, but instead of some kids, you see a boy with green hair and some goggles.

"Sorry if I end up disturbing you" he said. "it's fine, it happens around me all the time" you replied.

the two of you talked for a while "so those crashes were just you?" you asked. Haoyu nodded with slight embarassment

Cal (flashback)

When you were a teenager, your mom wanted you to stop playing video games and get into something "interesting" like sports or art, you of course refused.

However, your mom took you to a chess tournament. she let you play on your DS ONLY if you agree to watch the tournament. you saw a boy about your age, he looked to see you.

"Hey." he said. you of course were shy back then. though you two got to know each other and that's when he introduces himself "I'm Cal", "(Y/N)"


Your friends dragged you along to go to the carnival. You planned on not running into any clowns, but of course you did run into a familiar face.

"(Y/N)?" he said, you recongized his voice and walk away. "what's wrong with her?" he said to himself.

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