Your Backstory (Girls)

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Emma Cole

You're Emma's best friend! She knew you have a crush on a Guy/Girl, though she was in love with you

However what started Emma's own fear, other kids were questioning about you and Emma's friendship, at first you were confused until you saw your crush and Emma KISSING. "So this is what the other kids were talking about..." you said, crying a little "(Y-Y/N)! I can explain!" Emma said "No it's fine...." you said "I should have listened to the other kids" you then ran away, crying

Fiona Demetria

You're a Lifeguard at a Beach/Pool, so it would be no surprise Guys/Girls would be OBSESSED of you.

Though you aren't interested in them, you tend to relax and chill out once in a while. and if lucky, you'd find your lover.

Yuri Brand

You were the most Popular guy/girl in school, students tend to have a crushes on you, some rather be your friend.

Though none of course caught your eye, you wanted to find someone who would be someone you'd get along with, someone different

Sana Hudson

You work with Sana herself, you tend to help her build birdhouses, you even paint them for fun.

you were the most creative person Sana knows, and was happy the two of you work together.

However, when the workers come in to build some buildings, you teared up, all the hard work, WASTED, you never helped out Sana sense

Cass Milligan

You're more of a Dog person, you own 2 dogs, a Poodle named Fluffy (you knew fluffy when you were a kid), and a Chihuahua named Chloe (Beverly hills Chihuahua anyone?).

You loved and cared for your pups, and they are always loyal to you.

One day however, your puppies died, Fluffy died because of age, and Chloe died after saving you from being run over, you swore on your life you'd never get another pet since

Iben Bia

You were the Brother/sister of Iben's future husband, you wanted to confess to the woman of your dreams, however, the proposal happened.

Your brother knew you have a huge crush on her, but she was in love with your brother which is how they got together.

You tried not to ruin the big day since it was Christmas, you grew upset, your brother checked on you but you try to pull off a facade and smile, being happy for your brother and your crush

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