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My loud alarm disturbs me from my peaceful slumber.

My sleepy mind thinks about hitting the snooze button but my subconscience kicks in reminding me that if I hit the button, it will be my third time getting late this week

I get up from my bed and run out of my room, straight to the shower.

I don't take more than twenty minutes in there and I put on an oversized grey tshirt which reaches just below my thies with black leggings and a denim jacket on top, and rush downstairs when I'm done.

I see my mom already setting up the breakfast table and it's full of mouthwatering food.

"Good morning mom." I say as I hug her from behind, when she's busy placing a plate of bacon on the table.

"Good morning honey. How was your night?" She says as she turns around placing a gentle kiss on my forehead as I'm a little bit shorter than her.

"Not bad at all," I'm about to take a seat on a chair so I can enjoy what my mom prepared for me to devour when I'm disturbed by the continuous sound of a car honking.

"Looks like your personal chauffeur is here,"I hear my twin brother Vince say as he is 'descending' from upstairs.

I decide to ignore him then I pick up one piece of bacon and a small bottle of pineapple juice from the table.

I walk to my mom and give her a kiss on the cheek.

"I have to go now mom, see you later. Love you!" I say and I quickly rush out because I'm not ready to hear my mom give me a lecture about eating a proper breakfast.

A soon as I step outside I see Shawn's car parked in our driveway. I rush to it and sit shotgun and strap on my seatbelt. I throw my backpack to the backseat.

"Good morning milady," I hear Shawn say in a weird way.

"Ewwww. What was that?" I feign a disgusted look.

"I'm learning the British accent. Am I really that bad ?" He asks innocently, almost making me sorry for him. Almost.

"Well stop, this is clearly not doing you any good," I laughing, earning a scoff from him.

He starts the car and pulls out of our driveway and in no time, we are on the main road.

We talk about anything and everything until we arrive at Cresthill High, our school for the past 5 years.

I get out of his car and take my purple backpack from the backseat of Shawn's car.

I'm waiting for him to lock the car so we can head inside the school when I hear the roaring sound if motorbikes.

I instantly let out a small sigh and look at the two 'gods' of Cresthill high.

My twin and his best friend Allan.

Yeah, my brother owns a bike and I don't even have a bicycle. I had one but it broke down, whatever it's called.

Anyways, Vince saved up his money (which wasn't that hard to do since our parents give us a lot of it on our monthly allowance ) and bought it then took it home without telling anyone.

Well, mom and dad flipped when they saw it but couldn't do anything because 'it couldn't be refunded'. They had to agree to let him keep it but made him swear not to let me on it.

As for Allan, I'm not sure what his parents said to him but all I know is that they bought them on the same day at the same shop or whatever.Yeah, they're that close.

"When will you be done with staring at Allan so we can go in," Shawn's annoyed voice removed me from my trance. I hadn't even noticed that I was staring at him.

"Umm yeah, sorry." I muttered, embarrassed by my stupid self that couldn't help but look at my crush.

I'm about to head into the building when I hear Allan's voice.

"Where are you rushing to Sweetcheeks?"

There was no doubt he was talking to me. Sweetcheeks was a nickname he gave mr when I turned 9. Long story short, it was my birthday and I had cake smeared all over my face. I was asked to make a wish and my dumb self had to say that I wanted a kiss from him for my birthday out loud. Well he did kiss me on the cheek alright.

I look up at his face. Wow. God surely took his time to create this human being.

"I'm not sure what you're here for but I'm here to learn and that's where I was rushing to."

I know he is a genius. Even if he misses classes the whole school term, he'll always have the highest grades and come out on top. Like literally. But some of us have to work our ass off. Not fair.

He raises his eyebrow at my statement and then smirks. I instantly blush.

Call me stupid, but I have had a crush on this guy even before I knew what crushes are. And that look, it always leaves my cheeks pink, and I'm pretty sure he knows it.

I decide not to embarrass myself so I turn to Shawn then I grab his arm by the elbow and pull him inside the school.

I open my locker and get my books for the lessons I have before break. I do sciences which are Mathematics, Physics and Biology.

It's totally a coincidence that Allan does sciences too and we share all my lessons except the other one he does which I don't do which is Chemistry.

I know that I have three periods of Biology, which is basically my favorite subject. And there's a bonus of Allan being there. Not that he's always there in the classes. In fact, he's rarely in class and I always wonder where he will be.

Probably fucking random girls wherever they find comfortable. I shiver at that thought.

No matter how I feel about Allan, I know about his playboy ways and it hurts in more ways than one. But what can I do. I'm just his best friends twin and I see it staying that way for a very long time, if not for forever.

Well, I just hope he's there today so I can see that face.


Hi guys! So what do you think 😇. It's kinda my first book so please don't be hard on me.

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Pretty dxll 💞

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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