Chapter 12

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"Let me get this straight, unlike me," said Pete a week later after my surgery in my room eating ice cream with me, "you told the school's bad boy that you are in love with him twice in one day?"

"Yeah, pretty much," I said finishing my ice cream and laying on my bed. After my surgery, they let me go back to my house, but I still needed time to recover before going back to school so I couldn't move from my bed.

While Pete looked through my books, we talked about what happened during my dream and my feelings for Jordan. When I went back to my bed at the hospital after my confession, Jordan and I talked about the fight we had before my surgery and we both apologized. We also talked about how he wanted to go on a date with me, but I still needed to recover first. He came by the hospital a lot after school and we talked more than we ever did. I got to know more things about him and he also got to know me more. It felt really great.

After Pete left my house, I decided to finally apply to Lafayette College since I now had free time and I could think about what I want to say. While I was finishing my application, my dad came in my room and he sat on the edge of my bed.

"Hey, little Dove, how are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm a little tired. I was just finishing my college application. What's up?" I asked.

"Well, you know that your birthday is next week and your mom still wants to know what you want to do. Maybe we could go to a carnival or just eat dinner at some place you like?"

With everything that has been going on, I forgot my birthday was coming up soon. And honestly, I don't even know what I want to do. I usually let Caroline plan something or Pete since they like my birthday more than me. Then I remembered, when Carlos moved back here, he said he liked to throw small parties for special occasions. Maybe I'll talk to him and he could plan something.

A few days passed and I was able to go back to school. My chest still hurt a bit, but the doctor said it was normal. Since I left early today, I decided to stop by the library and buy another book. While I walked to the building, I saw an old man kicking dirt to a dog when the dog was just passing by him. It made me so mad that some people treat animals or other people like they don't have worth.

I went inside the library and went through the fantasy section. There were a lot of different books to choose from and I decided to buy Fable by Adrienne Young. The cover was beautiful. There was a woman with red hair as red as fire and her eyes were like the ocean. And her skin was pale like paper with beautiful freckles. Then I remembered when Jordan said he liked my freckles that night at Carlos' house. So, I went to the bathroom and scrubbed my makeup off so that he could see my freckles at school.

I'm on my way toward the counter to buy my book and I see the man who kicked the dog enter with a friend inside the store. After seeing him, I rolled my eyes remembering what he did and the librarian noticed me then asked, "You saw him kick dirt on that poor animal too?"

I looked at her again and said, "Yeah, I don't know why the world has people with a dark soul. It makes me wonder if there's anything good left."

"But that's when you are wrong," said the kind lady with a softness in her voice, "not everything is as dark and cruel as it seems. Yes, he did a bad thing treating that animal with no respect, but maybe he was having a bad day and didn't mean to do what he did. And it's part of life even though we don't like it." she placed my book in a plastic bag and before giving it to me she said, "Don't judge life by its flaws. Instead, seek the beauty that lives within it where you least expected it was there." She gave me a smile and left the counter to help a young woman who was behind me.

After I left the store, her words were on repeat in my mind. I started to think of the beauty she meant. Did she mean something like a flower? A feeling? Someone's action toward something? I didn't really know. I figured I would in the future. I walked a few more blocks and then I arrived at my school. Entering the hall, I felt people looking at me a lot and whispering things to their friends. I wasn't used to this much attention. Walking toward my locker, I was pulling down my shorts because Pete wanted me to come back to school with a "glow up".

He made me wear a short overall with a white sweater that had two black stripes at the end of the sleeves. And I wasn't used to wearing shorts because I always wore jeans or dresses since I was a kid. So, I felt very weird and I didn't like it at all. I didn't have extra clothes in my locker so, I can't change. I went to my locker to look for my books and I feel two hands on my eyes. "Hello?" I asked touching the hands carefully.

"Guess whooooo?", she said. I turned around and saw Caroline with a bright yellow dress that was up her knees and was sleeveless. It had a string on her waist and it had a little turtle neck on it. "Woah, you don't look like virgin Mary anymore."

"And you look like a highlighter. Let me guess, Pete told you to wear that?" I asked her and she rolled her eyes making me laugh. "Are you going to U.S. Geography?"

"Yeah, I still don't like the teacher. She's a evil just like Mrs. Thomas. She's got the devilish horns and everything," Caroline says making the gesture of horns with her fingers on top of her head. We went to our separate classes and the rest of the day went by in a flash. I got a text earlier from Jordan saying to wait for him in the parking lot. I waited for him while reading The Great Gatsby that we had assigned to read by the end of the month. Then, a red vintage car came through the parking and after it parked, Jordan came out of it. Jordan's hair was a bit different today. He's hair was fluffy and he was wearing his black leather jacket with a plain white shirt and some black jeans.

He came walking with a hand in his jacket's pocket and his other hand fixing his hair. I didn't see him all day so I didn't know what he was wearing until now. "Why hello there, Matt Dillion," I said as he came to me and gave me a hug.

"Hey there, Cupcake, I see you decided to show some skin," said Jordan looking at me up and down, "you didn't have to dress up for me. You know I think you're hot either way."

"Yeah, I bet you do," I said and walked away to the car he drove in. We both got in the car on our way to Nicki's Diner. Usually, we always go with Carlos and Caroline, but Jordan wanted to eat alone with me. He didn't want it to be considered to be a real date because he wanted to take on a real one.

Arriving at the diner, we headed to our usual red and brown booth in the corner near the counter where Nicki is making milkshakes and the other waiters are interacting with other clients. After Nicki finished with the milkshakes, she noticed our presence and went to our seats. Nicki was a stunning brown middle-aged woman with long red-brown hair and dark eyes. She was a kind person and always looked out for everyone she cared about.

She was wearing her pastel red and white uniform with a little notebook on her hand on her way to us and menus on her other hand. "Hello kids! Just the two of you today? Where are your other friends? The blonde and the other handsome one?" She asked us in her country accent.

"Caroline had cheerleading practice and Carlos had a tutoring to give at the library," I said to her while stretching on my seat on the other side from where Jordan was.

Nicki took our order and then left. I looked around the diner for a while. The place was big with white walls and there was this specific wall that had a wallpaper full of little cherries everywhere and there was a big sofa where people could take pictures. The sofa was bright red and, on that wall, had a LED sign that said All We Have Is Now. I helped Nicki pick that sign a few years ago before high school when she was remodeling the diner.

Later, Nicki came back with our milkshakes. I ordered a chocolate one and Jordan ordered a caramel one. "Are you free this Friday night?" Jordan asked as I took a sip from my milkshake. "I want to take you out. On an actually real date that you deserve. I have everything planned and all I need is a yes or a no. And I really hope you say yes."

I took a minute to decide whether or not to answer just because I know how impatient he can be. I place my hand on my chin and look outside the window next to me and then look at Jordan who has both of his arms crossed on his chest and then I smile. "I guess a date wouldn't hurt."  

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