The Buildings In Berlin

Start from the beginning

He furrowed his eyebrows at me but none the less followed me out.

Steve's POV

"Who shoved a stick up your ass?" Clint asked laughing as he took in my grim expression.

"I-It's Exel..." I murmered. 

"What Exel shoved a stick up your ass?" Sam asked chuckling.

"Guys stop I'm being serious." I told them sternly. "Exel's in Germany..."

The laughing stopped abruptly as they realised what I meant.

"But it's not like Stark is going to put her in danger is it?" Wanda asked with a worried expression.

"I don't know with Stark these days." I sighed.

Exel's POV

I smiled widely as I soared through the air, the wind rushing through my brown hair. As I was about to land on the building rooftop, I loosened my knees, getting ready to roll. When I hit the ground I dove into a tuck position before rolling over and coming to stand up again.

"Not bad," Peter commented, looking impressed. "Took me a while to get that good."

I grinned proudly.

"How about we try where I jump off the building, then you shoot a web before I hit the ground which stops me from hitting the ground and dying an awful death?

"Sure!" He smiled.

I took a running jump off the building, before free falling down to the busy roads below me. My eyes watered as the ground came nearer and nearer to me.

"Hey Peter now would be a good time to save my life!" I yelled.

Instantly a white, sticky web shot past my ear, before attaching itself to the glass windows of neighboring buildings. I fell in the middle of it, heaving a sigh of relief as I it caught my fall.

"You didn't doubt me did you?" Peter asked in a mock offended expression.

"Not for a second!" I grinned.

Peter smiled at me before helping me back up. "Do you think we should back to the hotel now? Happy might be worried."

"I highly doubt that but sure." I shrugged.

He chuckled.

"Race you?" I asked suggestively.

"You're on!" He agreed.

"Woah what's that!" I pointed to the nothing behind him.

"What? Where?" He asked excitedly.

I laughed at his stunned expression as he then turned around only to find me on the next building.

"Hey that's cheating!" He shouted as he began running toward me.

"Not my fault you have a gulible ass!"

He huffed in annoyance. "I am NOT gulible!" 

"Oh yeah then why does it say 'Peter Parker is gulible' in the sky?" I yelled back.

"REALLY?" He asked surprised, stopping his running to glance up at the sky.

Once he realised what happened he got 5x more annoyed. "Hey stop it you little-"

"Whoops can't hear you I'm too far ahead!" I smirked teasingly.

However my cockiness was short lived as I ran face first in a wall. However it wasn't a wall at all, more like Tony Stark in his Iron Man suit.

Tony's POV

I couldn't find those damn kids anywhere! I had scoured over what felt like the whole of Berlin before I finally spotted them running across rooftops.

I huffed at their recklessness, flying over to the building where they were running towards. I landed firmly, then just waited for them to reach me, which I didn't think would take long as they seemed to be racing.

"Hey stop it you little-" I heard Peter shout.

"Whoops can't hear you I'm too far ahead!" Exel yelled back.

A smile tugged at my lips at her childishness, but then I remembered...she is a child. I was shaken from my thoughts as the girl rammed into me. She fell back, clutching her elbow, her eyes screwed up in shock and pain.

Peter burst out laughing upon seeing her state, but it cut off as soon as he saw I was there. "Oh uh hey Mr Stark?"

"Don't 'Hey Mr Stark' me I've been looking for you guys for ages." I scolded.

His expression immediately dropped to one of a kicked puppy. "Sorry sir."

I then turned my attention to the girl sprawled on the floor, still holding her elbow.

"Oh c'mon it's your funny bone, it's meant to be funny whenever you hurt it." I grinned evily at her.

"Oh yeh how about I shoot yours and see how funny you find it!" She fired back.

I gritted my teeth together to refrain my self from laughing, as I mentally reminded myself I was meant to be telling them off.

"Right get yourselves back to the hotel now, we have a big day tommorow." I told them.

"Where are we going?" Exel asked.

"Berlin Airport."

Ooooooh the fight scene coming soon, I might make it two parts I'm not sure...

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