But despite this knowledge, there came a twist that shocked one and all. Besides the Lee Family's Lady, there were others who'd rushed to the Lee's. Many who were eager to uncover the Lee Family's fate began to investigate themselves and came to a speechless conclusion. The two people who were helping the Lee Family were Sunmi's admirers!

Oh my god! What was this joke?! A woman like Sunmi actually had admirers?! Were these two people brainless or did they escape from psych ward?

In the entire Capital City, who didn't know that no one would accept Sunmi even if she offered to be a mistress? She would endlessly pester them like a shameless prostitute. Oh, perhaps she was not even worthy of being a prostitute. After all, prostitutes expected money from this!

But although many found it hard to believe, the truth was staring them in their faces. They had no choice but to believe it. Plus, these two admirers had achieved a certain result. By now, many had heard that it was very likely that Sunmi would be discharged for medical treatment.

With Jennie's departure, the Kim family seemed to have quieted down. They were impassive observers of the development and changes in these two families.


No matter what happened outside, the crew was like a utopia. They focused on their own parts.

After Lisa completed his task, on the last day of the outdoor shoot, she spent the entire afternoon resting. This meant that she'd finally found time to go on a date with Jennie.

They gave their two assistants a day off and the two covered themselves completely before going up the snow slope with the sled the villagers had made them. This was also one of the entertainments in the village. Two days ago, Jennie watched as the kids were playing with it and had an urge to try too.

The two arrived at the snow slope that the villagers had especially sorted out for them. There were a few kids there and their happy faces were bright red. Their smiles were warm and free from worries. When the two walked over, they weren't scared of them either. They stared at them in curiosity and laughed as usual. They rolled in the snow and played around.

Lisa and Jennie walked to the snow slope. It was a good distance away from them. Their sleds were huge and it wasn't easy to pull it with them. But the experience of flying after sliding down was well worth it!

"Want to come along?" The slope was quite flat so Lisa didn't think there would be any dangers.

"Yes." Jennie was eager to try. She arranged the sled and sat steadily on it. Based on what she'd learned, she controlled the sled and slid down!

Lisa followed right after. His gaze had been on Jennie and was looking out for any accidents that might occur. After seeing Jennie's relaxed smile, she calmed down. she let herself enjoy this moment of happiness and bliss.

It was very cold outside but their hearts were filled with warmth. Happy laughter surrounded them. Those who were in the moment were all free from worries.

"Take a picture quickly, quickly! We must take a picture of President Kim's smile! Quickly!" While Jennie and Lisa were enjoying themselves, Mina and Sana hid not far from them, excitedly taking pictures of them.

"Stupid! Shut up! Don't disturb me taking pictures." Sana scolded Mina unhappily before pressing the button, capturing this happy scene. As Lisa's personal makeup artist, since Lisa took a break, she could too. Originally, she had followed over secretly, but she met Mina on the way. The two bickered a bit before ending up walking over together for some reason.

"You're the stupid one. Everyone in your family is stupid!" Mina disliked Sana a lot as well. If it weren't for their common goal, she would never be willing to walk with Sana. After all, she wasn't stupid to the point she would walk with someone who constantly put her down!

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