chapter 81.2

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Chapter 81.2

Plus, the conditions of the clubs here, compared to the others, were like heaven and earth. Just talking about the weapons in this room, there were numerous types to choose from. It dazzled people and their blood gushed with excitement.

A random thought flashed Lisa – the time she'd lied when they're visiting the family; when she'd inadvertently watched Jennie fidgeting with an extremely exquisite pistol. Although she'd never seen it thereafter, she'd kept it in her heart. Her moves were extremely skilled and practiced.

Oh, she'd stumbled upon another one of Jennie's strengths. She admired her accurate marksmanship. The Queen of his heart was extremely valiant. Not only her imposing manner but more so she cherished her different abilities.

When Lisa had first seen Jennie, she thought that she was the most beautiful woman. Perched high up, she was valiant. He was moved but at the same time, he immensely admired her. This was his motivation to catch up with Jennie!

As she interacted with Jennie, she noticed more and more of her strengths that were concealed by her bright talents. In his heart, Jennie became more perfect and flawless!

The two played in the gun room for almost two hours. After teaching Lisa, Jennie also revealed her skills – ten shots in a row, each hitting the bullseye. Although she hadn't used a gun for a long time, her marksmanship didn't fall behind. Lisa's eyes brightened and she really wanted to hug Jennie tightly and tell her how much she loved her!

While she thought about this, she did exactly so. Before Jennie could place the gun down, she rushed over and pulled her into a tight embrace. In the next second, she kissed Jennie hard.

Being extremely close to each other, their breaths interweaved. After the brief stun, Jennie returned the kiss passionately. She didn't even care about the gun that fell to the ground.

Although she had no idea why this man hugged her so passionately, this type of passion was filled with a familiar scent. But this was what Jennie liked. What she liked, she would never let it go.

Even though it was winter and the two wore quite a few layers, it wasn't obvious to feel. Even though Lisa pushed Jennie away in the first moment, she still felt a change in Lisa's body.

"Cough, I'm going to the restroom." After speaking, Lisa legged it. Jennie who stood stock – still, had a strange face on. Her eyes sparkled before she squinted them. She seemed to have thought of something.

Lisa went to calm down in the bathroom; it was almost twenty minutes before she came out, uneasily. She thought that she was great at controlling herself but never expected to have a 'certain' urge to do something. It didn't take her long to realize that she's too full of herself. Facing Jennie, his self-control vanished almost immediately.

If it weren't for that moment when she pushed Jennie away with the last bit of rationality, she very much suspected that she would've done something she shouldn't have!

Understandably, one would have an incredible feeling while liking someone. What's more, this was normal. It was because when one liked someone, one would become extremely careful and attentive. They wouldn't do things based on their interest, but rather think on behalf of the other. They would do things according to their standards and respect them. They wouldn't lie either.

This was how Lisa felt about Jennie!

Once she was done handling this matter, Lisa returned. Jennie sat on a seat looking at her with a gaze full of interest. She seemed to be teasing her with that look or perhaps examining her. She was engulfed by her eyes.

Lisa knew that this meant that she was well-aware of his reaction from before. She was a bit uncomfortable and stopped walking. Uncomfortable, she stopped walking and with a hoarse voice asked, "Jennie, what are you looking at?"

"Naturally, looking at you." Jennie didn't disguise either, looking straight at her. This made Lisa even more uncomfortable.

'Why are you looking at me?" Lisa tried to act innocent, wanting the atmosphere to return to normal.

"You know why." Jennie raised the tone of her voice and it was obvious that she was teasing her.

Lisa laughed bitterly. When she was with Jennie, she never dared to change the topic or answer half-heartedly.

Lisa thought about it and answered straightforwardly, "I am shy."

For a moment, Jennie's expression was strange. She wanted to laugh but stared at her blankly. Lisa also wanted to laugh. In the end, the two ended up laughing together.

This was unlike the gentle and warm smile from before or a faint smile. The smile this time was an extremely happy one, a delightful smile or the so-called belly laugh.

For someone with a stiff face, this smile was very rare. No one had seen Jennie laugh out loud, perhaps, no one but the Kim family's elders. Who told her to be indifferent, cold and averse to laughter?

If the current scene was witnessed by the Kim family and that Brother Tae who was protective of his sister, they would've all been jealous of Lisa.

After the two laughed, the atmosphere wasn't that ambiguous anymore. Lisa walked over to Jennie's side and sat down, not saying a word.

Suddenly, Jennie felt that she didn't need to voice her feelings when sincere eyes could express everything.

"If you keep looking at me, I will be shy too."

Love's really an amazing thing. It can even change someone's personality just like Lisa and Jennie. The two had a cold and indifferent personality. When they were together, there was a type of gentleness that couldn't be ignored. Especially now, she'd started to joke and tease her other half. They understood each other better.

Lisa wore a beautiful smile and reached his hand over a bit hesitantly. She patted Jennie's head very softly and cautiously but warmly said, "I have never seen you being shy."

In reality, Jennie was also shy. But being the usual arctic Mrs. Jennie, she naturally couldn't express this out loud so could only be silently shy in her heart. Of course, this happened rarely.

As Lisa patted her head. Jennie thought that this feeling was very special. The man's hand was a bit warm but not scorching. She thought the feeling was pretty nice. Jennie didn't reject this either, letting Lisa do as he wished.

She raised her eyebrows, "I see you being bashful often though."

Lisa who was teased once again could only laugh bitterly. Although this was the truth, why did it feel like she was mocking her when she said so?

"Is that so?" Seeing that he only laughed bitterly in reply, Jennie probed. She moved closer to her.

Lisa looked at Jennie and kissed the woman in front of her.

Since she didn't know how to answer, she didn't answer. Honest people were always teased. Ever since she'd used this way to shift Jennie's attention, she secretly made a note of it in her heart. She thought of using it whenever the situation demanded.

Jennie raised her eyebrows and responded. She let out a secret sigh: It seems honest men can learn to be wicked at times.

What's more, was that she liked this bad side of his!

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