Chapter 68.2

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At that moment, Taehyung finally reached the Manoban family. He greeted them coldly, "Ladies and gentlemen, please come in."

Good lord, neither the sister nor brother knew how to let the other party save face.

A handful of the people from the group wanted to turn around and leave. What was with that attitude? That difference in treatment? It was outrageous!

Then, the Lee family arrived. Aside from the hospitalized Sunmi, the entire family had come. Jennie had just escorted the Bai family inside when she saw the bejeweled Lee family members strutting in. She dropped the conversation she was having with and turned to Taehyung.

"Mom didn't invite the Lee family, did she?" she asked bluntly, and loudly enough that the family in question was able to hear her. Their faces instantly darkened.

"Of course not," Taehyung answered with certainty. He had seen the guest list and the Lee family was definitely not on it. No one in the Kim family was fond of the Lee family, so there was no way they would invite them.

After hearing that, Jennie turned to the Lee family. "So what are all of you here for? You're unwelcomed."

Father Lee sneered in response. "Since it's Old Master Kim's birthday, of course I have to come. Jennie, in the end you're just a junior. You shouldn't act so rudely."

"Not everyone is worthy of respect, especially not when they decide to attend a banquet uninvited. Your family is a good example of that."

Her ridiculing words brought ugly expressions to their faces. Who was it that said Jennie was indifferent, arrogant, and a woman of few words? The Jennie they were seeing was clearly too sharp-tongued to be "a woman of few words"!

Seeing that her father was unable to retort, Nancy stepped in. "Jennie, today is Grandpa's birthday. We came to celebrate, that's all. You're not going to stop us, are you?"

Jennie looked at her coldly. For a second, Nancy felt an overwhelming sense of murderous intent directed at her. Involuntarily, she trembled and took a step back.

"Don't use such an intimate address, Miss Lee. It's misleading," Jennie jeered.

Admittedly, from an outside perspective, Jennie was acting very petty. However, the Lee family had tried to harm Lisa, so she refused to show them any degree of respect.

Nancy's eyes darkened, but she covered it up well. She turned to Taehyung, who had not said a single word during the exchange, and asked piteously, "Tae, I just want to celebrate Grandpa's birthday. Can't I? Our families are old friends too, right?"

Nancy was beautiful; faced with such a pitiful expression, most people would feel sympathetic, but unfortunately for her, she was up against the Kim siblings.

"You cannot," Taehyung rejected immediately.

The Kim family was a family that lived solely for themselves, allowing them to lead comfortable lives and foster children like Jennie. They were all family-oriented and similarly hostile to their enemies. Why would they want to leave face for people who were always trying to hurt their family? As far as the Kim siblings were concerned, the Lee family deserved to be eliminated, so there was no need to be polite with them.

"Taehyung, Nancy was once your wife! How could you treat us like this? Aren't you afraid people will denounce you for being so ruthless? And say that the Kim family is heartless?" The indignant Mother Lee joined in.

"Do I need to remind you what Nancy did? Evidence that she stole confidential information from my company is still in my study." Taehyung was amazed by the Lee family's stupidity. The parents were stupid, and the daughters were too.

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