Just Like Old Times

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"I'm so tired of this. I'm so tired of staying up, thinking of everything I ever did wrong. I'm tired of being up until two a.m., praying to God that sleep will join me, even for just an hour. I don't want to fake my happiness anymore. I'm dying on the inside and no one can see it. I spend everyday in fear of the world around me and I can't do it anymore. I try my best to ignore the ache in my wrists, wanting to go back to those dark times. It's hard to resist decorating them again. I can't do this Aiden. I'm sorry but this is it. I'm just done. Goodbye."

I heard her voice break throughout the message, but I couldn't believe it. This must have been the millionth time I'd listened to the message and it still broke my heart. She was suffering so much and I could never tell. She always seemed happy. She was always laughing, making jokes in class, standing up to the popular kids. When did she shatter? And why did I miss it? I could have helped her. I could have done so much but I didn't. I didn't know. I'm sorry Sydney. I really didn't know. But I guess I'll see you soon huh? It'll be A&S again, just like old times. Yeah... Just like... Old times...

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