'Oh how long was I out for?'

"Just a day and a half I think. I'm glad you're doing better tho."

'Thank you.'

There was an awkward silence between you, you being calm while the latter was fumbling around with his fingers and anxiety filled up his entire body. He was nervous to speak even further, but he wanted to keep the promise that he had made with his number one hero.

"A-ah! (L/n)-san! I think what you did at USJ was really cool!" He said.

'Thank you, but it wasn't much.'

"What! No way you were so cool and you even took down that huge monster by urself!'

'It was disgusting it needed to be disposed of.'

"Haaa...... that's an interesting way of putting it..." he said. "But either way I think you'll mark a great hero (L/n)-san."

'Eh I guess.'

"What! You would be an amazing hero! You were so cool and not to mention you don't seem to have any draw backs." He continued to ramble on and on about how amazing you were and how you fought off the monster like it was nothing.

You sighed. This was troublesome to you, you didn't need friends and you didn't really want any. But in a sense it was nice to be complimented, even if it was in a bit of a ramble. You just looked at the boy with emotionless eyes as he continued to talk about your quirk.

"Ah- sorry I must've rambled again...." he said as he caught himself and lowered his head in embarrassment.

'It's fine.'

"Really? Th-then...!" He gulped, "t-then do you think w-we could be f-friend?"

You blinked as your brain began to process what he just said. 'Friends?' Hell no you didn't need friends, besides he was disgusting it was gross, and he was just another person that you had to clean up if you were to be near him. But before you could write down anything he cut you off.

"I- I know you're not a big fan of people because of your germaphobia but I'll try my best to clean myself before approaching to you and I'll give you as much space as you need! I'll use hand sanitizer and cleansing alcohol just like you!" He gave you a determined look. "So p-please.. could we be f-friends?"

Your eyes slightly widened but they were back down. This was a first. Usually people found it too tiring to be around you, and no one really bothered to adjust to your life style. And others, you just forced yourself to clean up after them after they forced their friendship onto you. It was the first time that someone bothered to even try and adjust to your germaphobia. You looked at him before looking back at your notepad in your lap. You sighed.

'I'm gonna regret this.' You thought as you slowly started to write something down.

'I'll tolerate it.' Midoriya read the words and couldn't help but feel a huge smile spread across his face. And for the next hour, you wrote down instructions on how to properly clean and how to cleanse himself before approaching you. He vigorously took notes, and by the end of the day, he was able to leave the hospital with a quick handshake.

It was night time, you were set to be discharged from the hospital tomorrow early in the morning. Leaning against the hospital bed you looked up into the night sky. It was peaceful and nice, a beautiful dark black littered with small tiny stars. A knock was heard as you turned your head to face the door you saw your teacher. He was covered from head to toe with bandages, and only his nose and eyes were barely visible. He made his way towards the side of you bed and sat down on a chair.

"How you feeling kid?" He asked.

You just shrugged as you took out the notepad from earlier.

'How are you? You took quite a hit.'

He chuckled. "If it wasn't for you I would be in more trouble. But I'm fine, Recovery girl just over did it with the bandages." He said looking down at his mummified body. You nodded in response.

"I saw how much you were worried about me." He slightly teased. You huffed out under your mask as you crossed your arms across your chest. He chuckled, then took a pump of hand sanitizer. He rubbed the semi liquid and then started to ruffle your hair.

"I saw you got close with Midoriya."

You shrugged lifting up the notepad. 'He's okay I guess, kind of over dramatic.'

Aizawl chuckled while he read the paper. "I know you're adjusting. You've been like his since you were a kid." He looked at you. "How are your parents?"

Your parents were heroes but they retired way earlier than they should have. Your mother was number 5 hero while your dad was a number 3 hero. But when they found out they were having you, they ditched the hero life to have a more simple life, so that you would be able to have a normal childhood, so that you could have the freedom of being a child. Something that both of your parents never had. Of course other heroes came by to babysit you since they were friends with your parents ever since highschool, where they went to UA together in the past. Hence why you were slightly more comfortable with Aizawa. In all honestly, you were a product of a quirk marriage, thankfully your parents were already together before the marriage was arranged, which is very rare.

'They're fine, they're just a bit lonely since I'm gone.'

"That's good. Although I wish they hadn't retired so early." He dryly chuckled at the thought.

You just shrugged at the thought. It was their decision so you didn't pry. It wasn't like you could change it, it was their choice not yours.

Aizawa then gazed down on the nightstand where there was a painkiller and a glass of water that you hadn't touched. He picked them up and bumped your arm with his elbow.

"Here you didn't take these."

You sighed as you slowly took the mask down from your face and hooked it under chin. There were two burn scars from both corners of your lip. Aizawa slightly flinched as he saw you take the pain killer into your mouth and gulp down the water.

(I drew what it's supposed to look like. Just apply it to yourself :) I hope this helps!)

"Does it still....hurt..?"

You gulped down the rest of your water, as you lowered your head and gently placed it down on the nightstand next to your bed. Shaking your head, you lifted it back up to cover your scared face.

gross [bnha reader insert]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt