"Understood, we'll get it done. By the way, what's the ISR on U.A.?" Izuku ask

"ISR shown that U.A.'s been breached and most likely under Liberation control" Hisashi reply surprising Izuku

"How's everyone inside?" Izuku ask worried

"ISR has shown that the Liberation forced most of the students and staff to go inside this building" Hisashi who Izuku a satellite image of the building " As what happen inside, we don't know" Hisashi explain

"That's the the gym, it's large enough to fit the entire U.A. population inside. I think they still alive" Izuku claim

"How do you know?" Kei ask

"I don't. I just have a gut feeling that they still alive" Izuku reply

"Let's hope you're right" Kei said as he, Yuri, and Roach board the Quinjet 

"Go save your friends" Hisashi told Izuku

"Yes, sir" Izuku comply before boarding the Quinjet that take off soon after

Izuku sit down on the seat and have a deep though 'Hang on, everyone. I'm coming' Izuku mentally declare

9th January, 2221, 11:24 a.m.
Lt Col Izuku"Delta"Midoriya
Task Force 141
U.A. High School, Musutafu, Japan

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! This is wonderful! Wonderful!" A terrorist laugh in the middle of the gym where every U.A.'s students and staff are sitting down on the floor while multiple villains surround them

"Who is he exactly?" Midnight whisper

"He's a villain I arrested some time ago. Hang on, I'll try something" All Might whisper and about to do something

"Ah, ah, ah. Don't do it, All Might. Unless you want you precious students to die" The terrorist leader threaten making All Might to dejectedly stand down 

"So how it feels, heroes?! To be the ones who are losing! This is it! The new era for villains!" The terrorist leader declare smugly

"Shut up you fucking villains!" Bakugou yell angrily when one of the terrorist shove him a massive sword at his face, making Bakugou to shut up angrily

"Don't talk too much. Or you might say your last" The bladed terrorists threaten

"Let this be a message to everyone out there! U.A. is no more!" The terrorist leader yell as he spread his arm when he see Eri, who's being hug by Uraraka

"Oh, a little girl? What is she doing here?" The terrorist leader ask creepily making Uraraka to hug Eri tighter

"She has nothing to do with this! Stay away from her!" All Might yell as he tries to stand up but a villain have him at gun point

"Shhhhh, I'm going to you... how it feel to failed protecting something you supposed to protect. Starting with that little girl and the girl who hold her" The terrorist leader said menacingly making Eri to tremble in fear and Uraraka continue to hug her tightly

"Get them" The terrorist leader ordered making some terrorists to walk towards Uraraka and Eri. When suddenly...

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" A banging was heard from the entrance door

"Get in!" The terrorist leader yell

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" The banging was heard again

"Get in!" The terrorist leader yell again

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" The banging continue making almost everyone to look at the entrance door confuse and the terrorists that approaching Uraraka and Eri to stop as well 

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