I looked to see who was texting me this late.
Javier: I'm out front
Me: wdym
Javier: I'm in the car
Me: outside of my house?
Javier: just come get in the car
Me: okay but y
Javier: will you hurry up
Me: okay be right there🙄

I quickly grabbed a jacket and went out front making sure to close the door quietly. I ran out to the red 2015 Ford Mustang and opened he door. I sat in the leather seat and look at Javier. "What was so important?"
He smiled and pulled out his juul. He took a hit and offered it to me. "You know I can't get caught with that stuff, I'll be kicked off the team."
"Oh yeah I forgot your coach is watching you right now." I rolled my eyes,
"Is this really what I got out of bed for?"
"Come on it's been a stressful week, it will help relax you." I grabbed it out of his hand and looked around.
"This is a one time thing you got it?" I said giving him my serious look as I took a hit. As I blew the smoke out I started to cough.

Javier laughed and handed me a water bottle . "You've never smoked anything before have you?" I took the water and flipped him off. I put the lid on the water bottle and dropped it to the ground. I coughed again,
"Why do you willingly keep doing that to yourself.?" I asked wondering why he would put himself through this burning pain. He chuckled,
" You just use to it, and like I said helps you relax." He said leaning back in his seat.
"I don't feel any different. Did I just  put my lungs through such pain for nothing?"
"Take another hit, you'll feel better." I grabbed it from his hands and rolled my eyes. I leaned back and got comfortable. We started talking while watching the night sky. After a few hits my body felt more relaxed but my lungs were on fire.

"Hey Javier, what do you think is happening around here?" He looked at me weirdly.
"What do you mean?"
"High school cheerleaders found with there hearts ripped out of there chest? What person is so fucked up in the head to do something like that? What are they doing with these girl's hearts?" He paused for a second.
"What if it's not a person?"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"All I'm saying is you never know what's out there. What if it's not human? You believe in the supernatural dont you?"
I thought about it for a second. "I think that it's very possible for there to be ghosts haunting places but ripping out high schoolers hearts? That's impossible."
"Who said anything about ghosts?" I was very confused.
"Okay, what do you mean by supernatural then?"
He paused again. "What about Vampires and Werewolf's, ya know stuff like that?" I laughed.

"You don't really think that stuff exists do you?" He just looked at me. "Oh my god you do!"
"I never said that, all I'm saying is anything is possible."
"So what you think there's some sparkling Vampire with a thing for Cheerleaders at our school?" He laughed at what I said. "Never mind Maddy." I sat up.
"No no no, I'm interested now. What's your whole theory here?"
"All I'm saying is you don't think a person is capable of this right? So what if it's not a person, you say it yourself all the time is Vampires we're real they wouldn't sparkle they would kill you. I'm not saying it's a Vampire but I am saying it could be anything."
"You do have a point, I do say that all the time but there's no way right? What even made you think of that?"
"I read something online about if Vampires and Werewolf's were real." He turned his head to the floor out of whatI assume is embarrassment as I laughed a little. He leaned back and looked out the window.
"You never know it's just an idea." I nodded.
"If you say so." And leaned back.

I looked at the time 3:32 am. "Shit I got to go to bed." Javier looked at the time. "Damn I didn't even realize it was this late." I opened the door and got out. "We should do this again sometime it was nice. I will see you later, night.. well morning." He laughed.
"Most definitely later Madds." I closed the door quietly and ran up to the front door. I went inside and to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Just when I was done filling up the glass I heard my dad.
"What are you doing up?"
I closed my eyes half way and turned around. "I was just getting some I water." I said tiredly and yawned.
"Oh, I got to go to work so I will see you at the game tonight okay?"
I nodded my head and started walking back to my room pretending to be half asleep. Once I closed the door I sighed in relief. Something I learned in my many times of sneaking out is the hard part is sneaking back in, always need a reason to be up. I laid in bed and closed my eyes.

Maddison Winchester Where stories live. Discover now