Mabel,Waddles and the Poindexter Twins

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Me:Well let's get started on this crazy Adventure.

(Mabels P.o.v)

I basically slam open the door,and bend down,panting heavily. I look up and go wide eyed. Stan was holding up Waddles by the stomach and Ford was in a white apron. They both stop and look at me. Stan drops Waddles. He runs to me and oinks loudly.
"What are you both doing?! Your not eating Waddles!" I yelled, pouting. Stan laughs nervously. Ford looks confused. "Mabel we aren't eating the poor pig. We aren't savages." Ford stated. "I would. That's just natural law of order! It's not MY fault you pig is potionaly delicious!" Stan countered. I huff, and Waddles runs outside.
"No time to talk about this! Dipper was taken by a giant one eyed monster thingy!" I called frantically. Ford gasped and hold my shoulders. "Do you know where it went?!" Ford asked. I nod. "Oh yes! I get to punch something in the face! Count me in!" Stan yelled. Ford chuckled. "We need to go now before it's too late. All three of us run out and into the woods,Waddles slowly trailing behind.

*Halfway in the woods. TimeSkip Brought by Mystery Finding*

(Mabel's P.o.v)

Eventually,we found the tracks which Ford figured where they were leading. "A cave. This is a Cyclops who took Dipper. We shouldn't worry because it will not hurt your brother." Ford replies. I sigh with relief. "Unless it is irritated-" Ford concluded, and I go wide eyed. "WHAT?!" I yelled. Stan groans. "Course you had to tell us that." Stan mumbled. Ford narrows his eyes and motions to follow.
Waddles keeps oinking and oinking, which I thought was adorable! Stan groans and finally stated,"Hot Belgian Waffles! Keep the pig DOWN. It's like a alarm clock for my brain." I gasp and frown. "Waddles is a wonderful piggy! At least I spend time with him!" I yelled back. Ford sighs. "You two calm down. Mabel, we don't need to spend time with a farm animal." Ford says. Stan face palms. "And, your head is stuck in a book!" Stan yelled. Ford twitched slightly. "Now, you DONT start!" Ford yelled.

"Wow, so you start then?"

"That's not what I mean, Stan!"

"What do you mean?!"


"That pig is going to give us out like a desert!"

"Waddles is a pure natural pig! Did you bring Waddles food?"

"What?! Nope. I'm not responsible for that fat jerk!"

"STAN. MABEL. STOP. Arguing isn't getting us anywhere! Dipper needs to get saved. We can talk about this later! We are almost there." Ford exclaimed harshly. We stopped talking and looked away. Ford sighs tiredly and motions forward.

We finally make it to the Cyclopy den. Suddenly, a huge being came out. Like a wizard! "Oooo! I wonder if it could grant wishes!" I giggle. "Cyclops! Give back our nephew or else!" Ford yelled. The Cyclops floated down and just stared at us. I step to it, holding the weapon tighter. "Um..GIVE BACK MY BROTHER!" Waddles Oinks loudly. The Cyclops,"hmmmm's." I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. He snaps happily. "Your the girl! The boy told me to tell you that he will be back. He is helping me with a mission. Finding." The Cyclops explained. Ford puts away the gun, while Stan huffs.
It motions to come in and all of us sit there. It floats around and mixes things.
I think and perk up. "Have you..seen a blond? Like with a suit...and- Can be a yellow dorito sometimes?" I say slowly. My Grunkles face palm and look at me sadly. "Yes." The Cyclops stated. I turn slowly. "WHAT?!?!?!" I yelled loudly. The Cyclops flinches hard. "YOU HAVE?!?! HOW?! WHERE?!? TELL ME! I'LL GIVE YOU MY BLOOD!" I screamed. The Cyclops backs. "Girl, calm down. You mean the king? He went here once a month and few weeks ago. He was with this fellow and they just left. You were out there." The Cyclops replies. I jump up and down. "Omg omg omg! He IS alive! TOLD you all he was! The dagger didn't kill him! He got kidnapped by the demons, so he wouldn't be with me! That HAS to be it!" I called happily.
"Mabel, I dont know..I mean he might be better without us and we will be better without him." Ford stated. I frown at Ford and shake my head.
"Once Dipdot comes back, we are DEFINITELY getting a plan in action." I yell. Stan stares daggers at Waddles.


Me:Haha now these are the types of arguments 😂 Anyways,Next chapter will be a Dipper and Oc part.
Bill:What about me?!
Me:After that I will or merge it maybe.


Forbidden Love (Next Summer Gravity Falls #2) -Mabill- ✔Where stories live. Discover now