4. An Eventful Night (Rewrite 2.0)

Start from the beginning

Ironwood chuckled, "It was only speculation, no need to panic. Although from your reaction my guess is somewhat true, correct?"

"What do you mean by being somewhat true!? It's completely true!" Subaru half-yelled

Ironwood lets out a laugh again. "I understand, you can calm yourself down now. At least I can respect you as a fellow man like me."

Subaru lets out a sigh before being interjected by Ozpin, who was observing the banter.

"Now, how about we proceed into the main topic?" The headmaster said to them.

"With how eager you are to bring up this topic and how tired am I? Yes! Please be quick!" Subaru responded.

Ozpin nodded and focused his eyes onto him before bringing up his proposal, "I would like to bring you into our circle, if you want me to be direct and quick with this."

Subaru began to perk up, circle? 'Like a super secret faction of some kind?' He thought.

"And there is a reason for that as well, Ozpin sees potential in you to bring us benefit, and we also want for you to benefit as well." Ironwood added, "From what I can see and judge, you need allies, and we'll help you when you need it."

"Wait a minute! Just a moment, circle? Like a secret faction? Who even are the members here!?"

Ozpin nodded again, "Yes, Mr. Natsuki, a secret faction, and an important one at that. As for the members, Me, Glynda, James here, and one other member who is currently on a mission right now, alongside two other headmasters of the other academies."

"I see......" Subaru thought about it for a moment with his hand placed below his chin.

While the offer seems nice to the ear, having early allies that could help him out of trouble, both Ozpin and Ironwood here are absolute strangers in his eyes. It reminded him that he shouldn't really trust strangers as well, with the exception of being desperate. He reminded himself how someone like Vincent took time in getting used to, several weeks with him at a time to be more accurate. And these two people he had barely known for more than a few days, Ironwood being even less than that.

He needs to know what are their goals here, so it'll suffice that if he asks that as well, "What are your goals?"

"Well, we are facing something that would require us to unite into a single cause. If I were to describe it...someone that could potentially destroy the world if left unchecked."

"And who is this man, or woman?"

"That, I can't tell you for now..."

Subaru's face flinched a bit at that response. It reminded him of someone that he wished not to remind himself of.

"...Though we could discuss further about her if you agree to join our faction." Ozpin finished, though he raised an eyebrow at Subaru's reaction, "Mr. Natsuki, what is it that you are thinking of here?"

"N-no no, your answer just reminded me of a certain secretive and greedy witch I met in the past, that's all." Subaru replied, a hint of malice shown in his voice towards the figure that he mentioned.

Both of them had a shock on their faces, with Ozpin being much more subtle in revealing it. He attempted to ask again, "What do you mean by that?"

"Do I need to tell you?" Said Subaru.

Ironwood gave off a small nod, "You must, not need. How did you even come to that conclusion?"

"It's better not to talk about her, okay? She's not something traumatizing, just someone that I better not try to pry into right now due to the current topic!"

"You mustn't hide your secrets from us, Mr. Natsuki," Ozpin mentioned, "This may be something that could potentially build trust between us."

"And yet you tried to hide your own answer behind a paywall?" Subaru questioned.

"T-that's not what I meant, The Black Queen is someone not-"

"I can't fully trust any faction with no apparent transparency in their actions even during their job interview whatsoever, I swear by my own words that this will stay as fact. While it is nice to see you two offering me a place to call home while I am away from home...no, I won't join your faction after you've tried to do what you just did. I will only stay here as a student due to the already discussed benefits, am I clear?"

Both Ozpin and the general only stayed in shock, not speaking nor answering. From what they see, there's no way for him to bring the boy into his fold. But he is too useful, at least he should agree on being an associate. They could only ponder at what Subaru had just said. Though for Ozpin personally, he realized that the situation could've been averted if he was more thoughtful. But it was already clear that this was a failed attempt.

For Subaru, this was yet another confirmation that he cannot trust anyone remotely similar to Roswaal's or Echidna's personality unless he needs it. From what he sees, there's no reason to join this man. There's no threat and objective he cares about. Although he was being too direct in his rejection, does he really want to join? All he cares about now is trying to go home and be with his Beako, his only last pillar of support from his eventual fall to the state that he despises.

For a moment all of them froze, no speaking or rambling, the silence of the library on the night of the full shattered moon filling in the atmosphere. No one dares to speak, except one. Beatrice listened to it all, and decided to wake up and voiced her opinion on this.

Still in her curled up position, she spoke up towards the two men for his contractor, "You two should all go away, I suppose. No one can have Betty's Subaru with the exception of Betty and himself, in fact. Go away, shoo shoo."

She gestured her small arms towards both of them before she curled further into her fake slumber upon his lap. Subaru sat surprised, but gave a small smile at her before glaring at the two men in front of him once more, threatening them to leave.

Within the next moment, the two men, Ozpin and James Ironwood, left the library. Subaru could only sit tiredly after that, but after a few moments, he too stood up and left for his makeshift futon with Beatrice curled onto him like the small child she is.

His thoughts delved deep towards his longing for home. Even if it had been a few days only, it felt as if he's missing them stronger and stronger. Maybe he could try to talk to the two men that had just recently left the current room he's in and try to listen to them, but does he want to?

He is tired, homesick, and even if he did not hate this place, he still resented some of its aspects. He never wanted this to happen, he just wanted to stay with Emilia and the others, he wanted to struggle and fight for them, not whatever that secret faction was. But this was a burden he must carry, a burden of a knight.

Thus the eventful night had ceased its activity, for he needed rest, and a small talk with his spirit. He needed it.

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