4. An Eventful Night (Rewrite 2.0)

Start from the beginning

"Beako, why did you pick up a book about snails?"

He uttered those words between a good amount of chuckles, making her irritated whilst cherishing his headpats.

"Well I didn't know, I suppose! The cover does not have any pictures of snails, in fact!"

She huffed her chest and turned her adorable head to the left, outright ignoring Subaru who just chuckled at the thought of Beatrice reading a book she doesn't understand. He continued to flick through the pages of the other books, checking them out for anything useful. The language is fortunately one that Subaru understands, which was English, or Remnantian as those people called it. Book after book he continued to switch through, before stumbling upon an interesting book that titled itself as-

"The Complete History of Remnant. Huh, that's surprisingly easy to find."

He sat down and opened the cover of the book to reveal its contents. Beatrice, who was still ignoring him, turned her head and took interest in it, deciding to scoot her way onto him and sit on his lap. Beatrice, even though still cannot read the language Subaru is reading, still decided to check it out herself.

"First Chapter, Theories of the Past and The Origin of Dust...."

Subaru delved deep into concentration as he began to turn the page over towards the first paragraph, with Beatrice following suit. He mumbled through a few words, again with Beatrice copying his acts as they both read the book themselves.

Theories about the origin of dust and the world as a whole, had said to be from the first humans created by the world, who had access to the powers that are held within it before somehow going extinct themselves.

No possible reason could say what caused it, but somehow, the second race of humanity evolved all the same through the same process that the first had gone through, with the faunus being a deviant in their evolution that eventually became its own race. Subaru reconfirmed those theories to the ones he heard about in history class with Professor Oobleck, who had discussed this very theory, and then some. He thought about how one species evolved the exact same way its predecessor did.

Perhaps the first race of humanity was akin to Neanderthals, who went extinct and became the dust they are now, as remnants of their race, with the second race being the Homo Sapiens who took over. But after some thought was put into it, the faunus then became a hurdle to his own crudely put theory in his mind.

There were several theories to their creation as well, but it would be impossible for a species that looked like humans to have animal-like features from other species, with the monkey faunus being an exception. Even the history book he is reading has some contradictions within its own contents. It would also be impossible for the Faunus to evolve into its own race. With the abundance of similarities that they have with the human race, it was far more likely for the faunus to fall under the subspecies category instead. Even so, he cannot think of any ways that the Faunus would develop the traits they have right now without artificial interference, subspecies or not.

Meaning it left him with two possible options: One, that a god or multiple gods once had existed in this world, and they had left the effects onto the world before they left. Or two, that dust had something to do with it. Even with those possible solutions, it left him with an obvious conclusion that he can choose to pick without choosing one of the two answers that popped into his mind.

"This is utterly confusing for a history book." He stated.

Beatrice nodded with a small huff, "Betty agrees, I suppose."

Both of them breathed out a tired sigh as they laid back on their chair, both of their eyes closed and tired. The actual history part of what they are researching should be less of a priority when it's this complex and confusing.

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