2. Welcome to Beacon (Rewrite)

Start from the beginning

Beatrice had heard of girls who carelessly show their skin to be quite the seductor, Elsa being an example, from her contractor. And from what she heard, Subaru nearly got seduced once by that bowel hunter's looks if not for her tendency to find pleasure from cutting bowels for a living. The red hooded girl next to her then suddenly intervened

"Please cut it out, it's getting late you know..." The hooded girl said with a yawn, she seems tired.

"She started it, I suppose!" Beatrice said to her.

"And who just called me a slut?" Said the Goldilocks

Beatrice stayed quiet, pouting while giving off another "Hmph!" in the process. The red hooded girl sighed afterwards.

"At least try getting along you two....wait!" The two got startled by the sudden burst of energy coming from her. The little red continued to speak. "We haven't introduce ourselves! How could we forget!?"

"Probably because of your incompetence to remember, I suppose." She remarked.

She ignored her insult and continued onwards. "I'm Ruby Rose! Leader of team RWBY! Nice to meet you!"

Beatrice raised an eyebrow before replying. "You don't need to know my name, I suppose."

"Alright, I'll call you pipsqueak 2.0, I SUPPOSE" The blonde responded.

"That is a clear insult to a spirit like me, I suppose! Apologize, in fact!" Beatrice replied.

"Well apologize for calling me a slut first!"

The two began a face off, with Beatrice growling as she prepares a spell to be fired at the Blondie, while the girl cracked her knuckles in the process. She doesn't care if she looks like an absolutely cute ball of innocence, she just insulted her like she knows her, it can't be forgiven.

Ruby began to whisper a call for help. "Uh...Weiss, help me here!"

The girl who is named Weiss, dressed in what seems to be a fancy white combat skirt with a red collar, stepped up and proceed to pull both of their ears, while ignoring their cries for it to be released.

"Cut it out or I will call professor Goodwitch here and make both of you regret it." She said.

"The only one that has the rights to pull my ear is my contractor, I suppose! Stop this at once!" Beatrice angrily pointed out.

"You could've prevented this if you decide to act civil and not like a child!" Weiss responded.

"Says the prideful heiress." The black haired girl lightly smirked, which irritated the white haired one a little.

"Well it is true, Blake! And also, Yang, you don't need to try and punch her, she's a child!" Weiss said to her blonde friend.

Beatrice huffed, "Betty is 400 years old, I suppose!"

"Well that means you deserve a beating, you loli grandma!" Yang screamed.

"Let's see who will have the last laugh once I turn you into crystallized mana, I suppose!"

"Oh it's o-OWOWOW!"


Weiss tightened her grip on their ears. Both are now begging to be released or saved. "I said stop it, you two!" She said.

"Betty's Subaru will scold you for this, I suppose!"

And just right after she uttered those words, seemingly out of nowhere both Subaru and Ozpin appeared right in front of them, from their perspective at least. In fact, they just arrived a minute ago. To their surprise, they thought both parties will be more civil, yet they are acting like children. Subaru decided to intervene.

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