A Wallflower's Cries

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The world around you
It's like the bright, beautiful sunflower
But somehow your reality
It feels like the ever pouring April shower

Everyone looks at you like a grey painted room
Nothing beaming, bright or shining
They don't see behind the grey
Past the clouds' silver lining

What if they only knew...
Of the battles and demons you fight everyday
Of the war of merely existing
Of the price you have to pay

Lonely as you may feel
Remember, you are never alone
We hear you... Your pain and suffering
Worse than bruise or breaking bone

We are the outcasts
The unknown few
Those who hide in the background
The ones with more than one issue

We have heard you cries
Silent as they may be
Because we have the same screams of our own
Emotion and wounds in every plea

We know
Shall I say more?
We feel that writhing pain you do...
Each with a different worry that we've bore

Together we've stood
The world's beautiful wallflowers
With unknown strength and endurance
With an unknown power

🍋🆆ⱨ𝓮𝞰 𝓛ℹ⨎𝓮 ₲ℹᜠ𝓮ຮ Ⴘ𝛉ປ 𝓛𝓮♏𝛉𝞰ຮ🍋Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz